Ever since we had the 5-day fair at my college, we've noticed a new cat on the block. It's a ginger male and very young. VERY friendly, too.
The students asked me if he's ready to be neutered and I think not. He looks too small. Our vets do not encourage neutering male cats until about 10 months. This is to prevent FLUTD later in life. Unless of course, the cat has been caught now and we only have this one chance, then neuter, we must.
Looks like our 5-day fair has rubbed off some awareness on the students because today, another group of students came to ask me if I could help get this little cat rehomed. Well, I told them I could try (e-publicise) but they would have to take the responsibility of vetting the adopters, etc.
But in all honesty, he might just be better off as the college cat IF he doesn't wander out of the compound. He has students who love to pat him. The guards and cleaners love him and they share their meals with him.
Rehoming can be a nightmare....unless we can find good and responsible owners.
Today, I brought some chicken for him for lunch, but little did I know two guards had given him a half-eaten chicken drumstick with rice! I left the chicken with the guards for his dinner this evening.
He gets his meals under a shady tree by the guard house.
I hope the management of the college will allow him to stay on as the college cat. Students come to college not just to get a string of A's, but also to learn values like compassion and living skills. And to me, the latter wins hands down...always.
If, by any chance, you wish to adopt this cat, please contact me at chankahyein@gmail.com.
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