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We need your help � if you have friends living in Segar road, please share the below with them to raise the awareness, spread the word with their neighbours to prevent conflict situations with macaques.
We have received feedback about monkeys (long-tailed macaques) roaming around Segar Road blocks 466, 467 and 468. A site visit revealed a green neighbourhood with a beautiful community garden and the Zhenghua Nature park just beside the blocks.
The Zhenghua Nature Park is connected to Dairy Farm Nature Park which is a natural habitat for long-tailed macaques. It is important to understand that some of these macaques may move from one troop to another, through the park connectors and green corridors. This may take a few days to few weeks. En route, it is inevitable for them to cross residential blocks and it is in our hands to learn to live in harmony with them by following the guidelines below:
Look out for
1. Monkey staring at you
2. Monkey showing their teeth (smiling)
3. Monkey yawning with their canine showing
If you see any of those signs, please step back to indicate that you are not a threat. Upon sighting a macaque, do not stare at them and do not smile to show your teeth. Instead, move away slowly. If you are carrying any plastic bag or food, store them out of sight.
Lone macaques do not stay in an area for long if there is no source of food or other macaques in that area. Do not store food near your windows as macaques at Segar Road have entered residential units in search for food. With time, the macaque will learn to move away if no food is made available by humans.
Please write to your town council also to share advisory notices to prevent conflict situations.
Please remember that feeding or interacting with macaques will result in habituating them to see humans as food sources. This often results in changes in behaviour and aggression, in turn resulting in nuisance complaints to the authorities asking for removal of the monkeys. Trapping and culling is not only inhumane, but also not a solution to address the human-macaque conflict. We strongly believe that the solution lies in preventing the conflict through education.
We seek your support to continue sharing and spreading the word to any of your friends who may live in Segar road area, to not interact or feed the monkey/s.
#ACRES #humanwildlifeconflict #longtailedmacaque #Singapore #nativewildlife #Segarroad
Source: https://www.facebook.com/ACRESasia/photos/a.223077136522.136..
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