
Tiger, Cleo And Everyone


It’s time for some updates on Tiger ever since he took off his tshirt all by himself. That happened 11 days ago and since then, we have not observed any biting of the flank or seizures. I’ve observed him grooming his whole body including the previously sensitive parts; it’s been all okay.

Has the seizures stopped for good? We’ll never know, but we’ll take it one day at a time now.

When everything we tried (since July) did not work, I stopped everything (including the supplements) and only maintained the home-cooked food, the wearing of the tshirt and introduced prochlorperazine, which is a mild medicine for motion sickness in humans. Tiger started on prochlorperazine on 6th September and on the day he took off his tshirt, I stopped giving it to him. This is also because prior to that, the frequency of the seizures had reduced significantly.

I guess the self-removal of the tshirt was Tiger’s way of telling us that he feels better?

Earlier on, when we had exhausted all efforts and treatment for Tiger’s epilepsy, the next step was supposed to be phenobarbiturates (which is scary and toxic), but Tiger’s vet said to try prochlorperazine first as this medicine is very mild and the level of toxicity is very low. No other vet had suggested this, actually. I’m so glad we tried prochlorperazine. It is only 30 sen per tablet (at the pharmacy) and I started Tiger with half tablet twice daily, then reduced it to half tablet only in the mornings. He’s off the medicine now.


I used to feed Tiger in the room, all by himself as he is on home-cooked food and he was too scared to eat with everyone else, but now, Tiger goes out to the pantry on his own and eats with everyone! In fact, he doesn’t want to be segregated in the room anymore. He would wait at the grille for the food, then runs to the pantry with everyone else.

Everyone else is also on partial home-cooked food now, including the PatioCats. It certainly saves me some money (home-cooked is so much cheaper); only that I have to cook quite often, because you need quite a bit of food, feeding 13 cats! I mix home-cooked with Monge canned food.


This is Tiger’s 100% home-cooked food.

Nowadays, he wants some kibble as well. It seems to be going back to normalcy, which is good.


Daily grooming.

I recall the past few months when the instant Tiger started licking or biting his flank, he would throw a fit. Those were traumatic times because you’d feel so helpless as there was nothing you could do.


Every single one of Tiger’s tshirts is full of holes! Even with the tshirt on, he would still bite himself, but the tshirt creates a barrier between his teeth and skin, so that reduces the intensity of the bite…a little bit. I’d say the tshirts really helped.


Good boy, Tiger!

It’s been quite a journey, hasn’t it?


The PatioCats enjoying the home-cooked food.


Meanwhile, Cleo healed from her skin problem very quickly with the Biosilver, but recently, she started biting again. So she has a few bald spots again now, but it’s not serious.

And the funny thing is that Tabs like to follow what Cleo does (it reminds you of schoolgirls wanting to follow the popular girls?), so Tabs also started biting and she has some bald spots as well!


You can see her bald spots.

We tell her she doesn’t have to follow what Cleo does, but she doesn’t understand, of course.


Tee hee…I want to be just like Cleo….tee hee. 

I must also apologise for not writing much about our cats since late August. I haven’t been well and it normally takes me months to recover. But I hope you are still following the blog as our neutering aid is ongoing and we continue paying out our aid on a daily basis from Mondays to Fridays. Rain or shine, the work goes on. Thank you for following our work. We need your moral support to keep going.

Do stay with us. The home stories will return, when I get better.

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2016/10/26/tiger-cleo-and-everyone/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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