
The Great Animal Rescue Chase & Harmony Fund




Meet Lela, whose last name is excluded from this article because she is in a public service job that leaves her in the very delicate position of needing to ‘fly under the radar’ in her efforts to bring care to 80 “bread dogs” at the public pound in the mountain village of Hreša, located near Sarajevo in Bosnia. The dogs here are known as bread dogs because stale bread is the only ration provided to them by the city.

With no real oversight and a municipal view that categorizes the dogs as an inconvenient series of items to be warehoused, Lela must be diplomatic if she’s going to continue to receive access to this pound.

“Sometimes 80 dogs are looking forward to seeing me,” said Lela who donates 9 to 10 hours each weekend day to care for the dogs (plus whatever she can spare during the week). “They’re waiting patiently for me. Even the most aggressive dogs soften up and begin to love me after a few visits. I’m at my happiest when their bellies are full, and they are all happy and healthy. There is a feeling of fulfillment when 80 small heads know that I will do anything for them, anything in my power.”

“I know how much my touch means to them, and when I leave at the end of the day I’m sad because I’m leaving them behind.”

Lela is a single mom and her young daughter accompanies her to the pound and helps with the dogs. Over time, she’s lost the support of her family and coworkers who can not identify with her “hobby”.

But for Lela, it’s so much more. She knows that she is the only source of stability in the lives of these dogs, and certainly, she is the only one who gets many of them out of the pound and into adoptive homes.

“I clean, disinfect, feed and care for the dogs, look for foster families and permanent adopters,” Lela explains. ”

When Lela cannot get donated dog food, she’ll often get scraps from the butcher and cook up a mix of the stale bread, water, meat and cans of dog food. This is a common means of feeding large populations of shelter dogs in many parts of the world, but it is very hard work and Lela’s saddest days are the ones when only bread is served.

Recently, the Harmony Fund charity (based in the USA) made a large donation of kibble for the dogs. Lela was able to fill her car completely with bags of food and it was the happiest drive she’s had in a long time.

With winter rapidly approaching, Harmony Fund is attempting to raise funds to insulate all the dog houses at the kennel and to purchase kibble on a regular basis.

TO DONATE: http://harmonyfund.org/donate/donate-feed-dogs-bosnia…

BREAD DOGS GOBBLE SURPRISE GIFT OF KIBBLE!!!!http://harmonyfund.org/donate/donate-feed-dogs-bosnia…Meet Lela, whose last name is excluded because she is in a public service job that leaves her in the very delicate position of needing to ‘fly under the radar’ in her efforts to bring care to 80 “bread dogs” at the public pound in the mountain village of Hreša, located near Sarajevo in Bosnia. The dogs here are known as bread dogs because stale bread is the only ration provided to them by the city.With no real oversight and a municipal view that categorizes the dogs as an inconvenient series of items to be warehoused, Lela must be diplomatic if she’s going to continue to receive access to this pound.“Sometimes 80 dogs are looking forward to seeing me,” said Lela who donates 9 to 10 hours each weekend day to care for the dogs (plus whatever she can spare during the week). “They’re waiting patiently for me. Even the most aggressive dogs soften up and begin to love me after a few visits. I’m at my happiest when their bellies are full, and they are all happy and healthy. There is a feeling of fulfillment when 80 small heads know that I will do anything for them, anything in my power.”“I know how much my touch means to them, and when I leave at the end of the day I’m sad because I’m leaving them behind.”Lela is a single mom and her young daughter accompanies her to the pound and helps with the dogs. Over time, she’s lost the support of her family and coworkers who can not identify with her “hobby”.But for Lela, it’s so much more. She knows that she is the only source of stability in the lives of these dogs, and certainly, she is the only one who gets many of them out of the pound and into adoptive homes.“I clean, disinfect, feed and care for the dogs, look for foster families and permanent adopters,” Lela explains. ”When Lela cannot get donated dog food, she’ll often get scraps from the butcher and cook up a mix of the stale bread, water, meat and cans of dog food. This is a common means of feeding large populations of shelter dogs in many parts of the world, but it is very hard work and Lela’s saddest days are the ones when only bread is served.Recently, the Harmony Fund charity (based in the USA) made a large donation of kibble for the dogs. Lela was able to fill her car completely with bags of food and it was the happiest drive she’s had in a long time.With winter rapidly approaching, Harmony Fund is attempting to raise funds to insulate all the dog houses at the kennel and to purchase kibble on a regular basis.TO DONATE: http://harmonyfund.org/donate/donate-feed-dogs-bosnia…

Source: https://www.facebook.com/GreatAnimalRescueChase/photos/a.123..



Animal Rescue Chase

The Great Animal Rescue Chase celebrates the art of animal rescue with a worldwide race to rescue one million. It’s a free event, open to all, and is perhaps the only global animal rescue event aimed at helping any animal in distress, anywhere in the world. Our ambition is to create a culture of enthusiasm and pride in animal activism. We believe in teaching, by example, that there is a hero in each of us just waiting to be unleashed. Empowered animal lovers can not only save lives, but build the momentum for powerful animal welfare reform.

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