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We were alerted to the cases of snake sightings (shown in the photos), and to our shock both were dead on arrival. Similarly the cobra (on the right) from another case at a different location was also dead on arrival. Even though we did not rule out the possibility of grass cutting machinery injuring the snakes, we often come across such situations where the snakes are dead either through trauma or other methods like hot water. Unfortunately, the individuals who called us were also not aware of what had happened to these animals.
We often face such situations, where concerned individuals call us to help, but there might be others at the scene who are not aware and hurt these animals purely out of fear. Please remember that these wild animals do not attack or bite unless provoked or handled in a wrong manner. They continue to adapt in urban environment and the best option is to leave them alone when sighted in green spaces, drains and canals.
Please help us share and spread the word about our native wildlife to prevent such incidences.
Please remember to call our 24hr wildlife rescue hotline 9783 7782 for assistance if you see any wild animal in distress.
Have a nice weekend everyone!
#ACRES #wildliferescue
Source: https://www.facebook.com/ACRESasia/photos/a.223077136522.136..
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