Puppy For Adoption (Loh Phooi Phoois)
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If interested, please contact Ms Loh directly at 0123903250. Thank you.
Location: Klang Valley
From: phooiphooi loh <ppl1976@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 3:11 PM
Subject: Need help to rehome puppy
To: chankahyein <chankahyein@gmail.com>
Hi Dr.Chan, Sorry to trouble you guys much, I would like to seek help from all channels to rehome a 3 months old puppy. He is a Ioving and playful puppy yet very alert to his surrounding. I wish I can keep him but I couldn’t because I have two adult dogs staying with us. My concern is that the town council may take action to take this puppy away if they receive complaints. Unfortunately, I have a nasty neighbour who always find 101 ways to scare my dogs . My biggest hope is to find a new suitable family that is willing to take up a life commitment to love and take good care of this furrykid. If any good people wish to adopt a puppy, please contact me at 0123903250 or email to ppl1976@yahoo.com for further details. Thank you very much for your help. May God blessed every kind soul. Yours sincerely, |
Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2016/09/20/puppy-for-adoption-loh-p..
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