Tigers Two seizures Today
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We have not observed any seizures on Tiger since Thursday and it was all good. But this morning, he looked scared and I knew something wasn’t quite right. He was hiding under the sofa again.
Mid-morning, while we were in the kitchen, I heard the familiar sound of the plank under the sofa vibrating – it sounded like Tiger had thrown a fit, but of course the sound was only heard for about 3 seconds. By the time I rushed in, I saw Tiger grooming himself and there were saliva stains. No urine stains, though. I cannot be sure if he had thrown a seizure because I did not see it, I only heard the familiar sound of the plank. He could have scratched vigorously and produced the same sound too. Nevertheless, I recorded it on the log.
This evening, after dinner, we let him out and this time, we saw the seizure as he wasn’t hiding. Again, his head was twisted to his back (as it usually is, because it is usually preceded by the intense biting of his flank) and the “seizure” lasted some 3 seconds after which Tiger seemed alright. This time, my husband witnessed it for the first time and he said it looked like a cramp or a muscle spasm.
Within 6 minutes, another “seizure” happened in the same way. Head twisted to the back, biting at the flank. This time, it probably only lasted 2 seconds because my husband pushed Tiger’s head back to the front and the “seizure” stopped immediately.
I have been looking at cat seizure videos and it doesn’t help because Tiger’s is not like any of them. The videos range from petit mal seizures to grand mal seizures and some were just a slight twitch of the eye and yet, that was also a “seizure”.
Now, I really don’t know what Tiger’s is. Is it a seizure, a cramp or a muscle spasm? He seems to be biting his left flank. And when my husband tried to massage that area, Tiger didn’t like it.
Could it be that they are just muscle spasms and that is why none of the “treatment” we tried seemed to be working? But what about the urine splatters?
In any case, luckily all we have done is to give him supplements and we had not started him on any drugs at all. So far, everything has been safe.
Now, we don’t know what it is and it’s impossible to take a video because we don’t know when it’s going to happen and when it does, it only lasts 3 seconds.
So, Ming-Yi came up with an idea. Why don’t we put a tshirt on Tiger to cover his flank so that he cannot bite it so much? If the “seizures” are preceded by the intense biting, maybe the tshirt might help. Maybe Tiger has a flank-biting OCD?
So, Tiger is now wearing Indy’s “gay rock star” tshirt.
It doesn’t hurt to try…
Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2016/08/14/tigers-two-seizures-toda..
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