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Recently at ACRES, we have received feedback from concerned individuals about the sales of rabbit fur keychains in Singapore.
There is usually much cruelty involved in the production of these rabbit fur keychains. From confinement of rabbits in tiny wire cages in horrendous conditions on fur farms, to brutal killing methods and even being skinned alive. You can read more here http://www.acres.org.sg/campaigns/current-campaigns/the-truth-about-fur.html
Please do not support this cruelty.
Heres what you can do:
Never buy keychains or other items made from rabbit fur (or other animal fur). You can usually identify real fur by the feel, and also by splitting the hairs apart. If the base of the hairs has a mesh or threaded backing, it is likely faux fur. If the base looks like skin, its probably real fur. If you arent sure, dont buy it! Remember to never assume that fur is fake just because its cheap.
If you really want a furry item, always buy faux (fake) fur. However, its even better if you avoid faux fur items as well if possible, as any demand for fur-type items can fuel the production of these items, real or fake.
Tell your family and friends about how fur is produced and ask them to never buy fur.
Write to retailers that are still selling fur and politely request that they end their association with this cruel industry. By encouraging your local shops to adopt a fur-free policy, you can help bring an end to this terrible trade.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/ACRESasia/photos/a.223077136522.136..
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