
Tiger And EaseSure


I started Tiger immediately on EaseSure on Tuesday evening itself (the moment I received the couriered package from the very kind reader who sent it over).

Yesterday, apart from work, I stayed home all day, in the room, watching Tiger. I also administered the Ease Sure according to the suggested dosage three times a day, by dropping it into his food.

Now, I’m already so paranoid the moment Tiger starts scratching or twists his body backwards to groom himself. This is because the few episodes I’ve noticed were also preceded by such actions. So, out of sheer paranoia, I would stop Tiger after a few seconds of scratching or grooming (in that particular position) by distracting him with something else. I know this probably doesn’t help much, but epileptic seizures are sometimes idiopathic in nature (we don’t really know the cause), so since I’ve noticed that it is usually preceded by such actions, I thought I should stop the actions from getting too intense (and it might cause him to cross the threshold and throw a fit). After all, that’s the general principle of epileptic seizures too (crossing a certain threshold).

Tiger has been spending a lot of time sitting under the vegetable pots. He seems to be comfortable there so I let him be. It’s also a good spot because I can watch him from my table.

Yesterday, there were no episodes. At least, I did not see any.  No tell-tale signs of any either (pools of urine, urine splatters, etc.).

By late evening, Tiger had unexpected company…


For some reason, Cow decided to keep Tiger company.



Of course, Tiger wasn’t too comfortable. That’s the Chief Titan there…

But I’m sure Cow meant well.


I’m really banking on this working. It works by relaxing the brain and nerves. Sort of gets one into a “Zen” kind of mood. It’s ironical because Tiger has been and is our calmest cat and yet, he developed epileptic seizures. Many things are unexplained.

Tiger and all of us are truly grateful to the kind reader who sent us the EaseSure.

He is still on his supplements too (Neurobion, Vetri DMG, fish oil and B-Complex).

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2016/08/04/tiger-and-ease-sure/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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