The moment we've all been waiting and praying for....Mickey the Miracle gets to go home today!!!
Mickey was brought in just 5 days ago because he had stopped urinating. Upon examination, the vet suspected a ruptured bladder. Surgery was done where a catheter was inserted into his bladder to enable urination. The rupture was near the end of the urinary tract at a precarious position. Septicaemia had already set in because urine had accumulated inside the body. Mickey was put on drips and given antibiotics.
Mickey healed and recovered day by day, and finally the acid test came...the catheter was removed and Mickey urinated all by himself. This meant that the rupture had healed, as we hoped it would.
Cheang and Mickey.
Mickey and his sibling were surrendered at the shelter. By shelter policy, Mickey would have to be put down because being deformed, his chances of being adopted was almost nil. Cheang decided to adopt Mickey. (Mickey's sibling was instantly adopted.)
Both of Mickey's hind legs are deformed. Upon checking, even his insides are deformed. His testicles are inside his body and when he was brought in, we could not even find his penis!
Heh...I may be "deformed" by your conventional standards, but I'm still cute and really adorable, too. I'm not deformed, folks...I'm special. I'm different. I'm unique. But most important of all, I'm loved...and that's all I need.
Mickey's hind legs.
He drags them as he walks, but Cheang puts on socks for Mickey. She says Mickey like to jump and play.
The next step is to have Mickey neutered, and meanwhile, we wish Mickey all the best!
Mickey's surgery and treatment cost RM671.30 and is sponsored by the following: Lim Ley Kah - RM50 - RM336 An anonymous donor - RM164 AnimalCare - RM121.30
We thank all donors and everyone who has prayed hard for Mickey's miraculous recovery.
Most importantly, we thank our vets for making this miracle possible.
Have a great life, Mickey!
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