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Sunday, 10th Apr 2016, by Noah's Ark CARES

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Happenings at Noah's Ark

Check out what is happening at Noah's Ark by clicking the links to stay in touch!

If you have missed the recent tour to Noah's Ark on 2 April - no worries, there will be two more tours on 23 April and 7 May before we are closed for school holidays. Remember to book your seats early!

Noah's Ark CARES (NAC), with 2 other AWGs have come together for a landmark Trap-Neuter-Release and Manage (TNRM) project on a restricted island. We are hiring a Trap-Neuter-Release Officer, under the employment of NAC.

As a TNR Officer, your duties include
* Feeding and cleaning of dogs in a central holding area during pre-and post-operative period
* To assist vets during sterilization of dogs 
* To work with respective Animal Welfare Groups' TNR Officers on the project

Requirements for the role
* Singaporean
* Experienced with handling dogs
* Passionate about animal welfare, especially stray dogs management
* Able to work independently and responsibly
* Ownership of a vehicle iscompulsory for travelling to, and within the island

Working hours are flexible, total of 40 hours a week. There will be requirements to work on at least one day of the weekend, each week.

If you are able to be part of our commitment to the animals, please email Madeline at:madchia@gmail.com

Leia is recovering well

Remember last month we featured Leia the dog with Transmissible Venereal Tumour (TVT) and she needed help?

She is recovering well and Noah's Ark has incurred closed to $2,000 on her medical fees and we need to raise the amount to cover the fees.

Can you help us to help her?  

To read her story, please click here.  To contribute towards Leia's medical aid, please email to Noah's Ark CARES

Bobby is looking for his forever home - will you make his wish come true?

Remember Bobby the JRT with the huge growth under his chin?

He is still waiting for his forever home. We believe good things come to those who wait. Will you be the one for this happy-go-lucky boy? 

To read about his rescue, click here and if you are able to grant him his wish, please email to Noah's Ark CARES.

Terry was a prisoner of love for 8 years

Exactly 9 years ago, Terry was tied to a lamp post at a HDB carpark in Aljunied while he waited patiently for his owner to return.

Hours passed and his owner never showed up.  A lady who saw him being taken away in a van was brought to SPCA and he was saved by her.

To read Terry's tale, please click here.

Upcoming Events

Noah's Ark Tours

Date: Saturday, 23 April '16

Time: 11am to 6pm (includes vegetarian lunch)

Meeting point: Bishan MRT

Fees: $60 per head (VSS Member)

          $70 per head (non VSS Member)

Organised by Vegetarian Society Singapore

For details and to register click HERE

Date:  Saturday, 7 May '16

Time:  11am to 7pm

Meeting point:  Boon Lay MRT

Fees: $70 per head

For more details, click here and to reserve your seats, please email to Noah's Ark CARES.

How you can help to support our work

Your contributions will go towards food, medical expenses, maintenance of the kennels, rescue of injured animals and many other costs needed to upkeep Noah's Ark Natural Animal Sanctuary.

To make a contribution, please download our Sponsorship Form here.

For fund transfer, details as follows:

Bank: DBS

Account No: 012-900823-0

Account Name: Noah's Ark CARES

Bank: OCBC

Account No: 501-827745-001

Account Name: Noah's Ark Companion Animal Rescue & Edn Society

When you have made a fund transfer, please email to Noah's Ark CARES in order for us to track and to issue a receipt.

Thank you for your kind support.

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