
Vincent And His Gum Jabs


Vincent’s gum problem came back about two days ago. I began noticing a change in his behaviour a few days ago and this was followed by that same reaction while eating which he had last time – he would eat, suddenly jerk away and bolt. Twice, he came to eat with everyone, but suddenly, he would bolt even before eating. I’ve seen all this before. Previously, I did not know what it was at all, but having been through one round with him, I know now.

His gum problem is recurring. The pain is causing all this behaviour. I know cats have a high threshold for pain, so for Vincent to react this way, he must have surpassed his threshold by now.

It’s been 6 weeks since the last treatment of the gum jabs and the removal of two back teeth.

The vet had already forewarned me that it might recur and sometimes despite doing all we can, Vincent’s gums are just very reactive and they react to the bacteria in the mouth. He was on fish oil and turmeric throughout. But the problem came back.

This time, I didn’t want to prolong his agony of having problems eating again, so I decided to take him to the vet this morning.


Let’s go to the vet’s, Vincent. You’ll feel better after that.


As expected from the eating reactions I’ve noticed, it’s like before – there is pus build-up and red inflammation of the gums.

The vet discussed our options and for me, I would prioritise the ability to eat and the quality of life for Vincent, so we chose to do the gum jabs and check the teeth today. Vincent would be sedated (mildly) for this.

Anaesthesia carries a risk factor, but between this risk and being unable to eat and having to suffer such severe pain when trying to eat, I would take the mild anesthesia risk and provide him with a better quality of life.


Don’t worry, Vincent. You’re in good hands. I’ll come pick you up once it’s done.


Tabs comforting me while I waited at home for the phonecall to pick Vincent up.

It was near 7pm when I could finally pick up Vincent. The clinic had many cases today and some were urgent, so Vincent’s was only done at around 6pm.

The vet said he cleaned up the pus and the gums and gave the steroid injections. There was hardly any plague or tartar. This probably means that it isn’t even a tartar problem, but that of the gums being overly reactive. Vincent’s teeth were all in very good condition too, so no removal was necessary.

Vincent was still groggy while we drove home.


At the gate, Mr Zurik was waiting.


So was Heidi.

Tabbies United!


Daffodil came to check on Vincent too, while Ginger waited nearby.


This morning, Ginger accompanied Vincent after I caged him (after breakfast) to ensure I could take him to the vet later.


By 8.30pm, Vincent started asking for food. I bought him Tuscan Natural, a grain-free kibble. He ate two bowls! Of course everyone got Tuscan Natural as well.

We don’t know how long this treatment will last before the gums get inflamed again. But one day at a time, and meanwhile, moments count. I’m glad Vincent is able to eat again.

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2016/05/24/vincent-and-his-gum-jabs..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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