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Friday, 30th Sep 2011, by AnimalCare

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During the Pet Boarding fiasco, 16 out of the 300+ cats died as a result of not being fed food or water for 9 days or more during the Hari Raya holidays. A total of 12 cat graves were also later uncovered within the premises of the operators of that boarding place. As such, we are unsure of he death toll. 

Of the ones rescued, many had been identified by their respective owners and have been reunited. Many were traumatised and some needed medical attention. 

We helped out with the medical attention of five of these cats plus 1 dog (Callie, Russell, Meekee, Katty and Annie the Dog).

Out of these five, and in fact, out of all who were rescued, Callie was the worst off. She was found as thin as a skeleton but after about a week on drips and medication, she was fit enough to be discharged and Maslinda has been fostering her ever since then. The reason no one has stepped forth to claim Callie and Russell, we suspect, could be because these two are the operators' own pets. 

Callie during the first few days at the vet's. She suspect she could have bitten off her own hair due to stress and anxiety.

The day she was discharged, still a walking skeleton, but fit enough to go "home". 

Yesterday, Maslinda texted me to say Callie had been vomiting and was having diarrhoea, so Maslinda brought Callie to the vet immediately.

From Maslinda:

Updates from 17 sep yesterday (callie only):

Frontlined all of them on 19 sept. all are good. i start mixing her I/D with normal wetfoodstool is solid. she acts more like a queen now.

starting from 21st sept, i noticed callie had some skin problem which looks like mange. went to vet, it's fungal. given itraconazole treatment and cream to apply. my vet dont feel like treating her aggressively due to her skinny condition, which i agreed. so besides the cream,i also rub her with gamat n sometime vege oil, i can visibly see that the mange better. she also had fever on 25th sep, brought to vet on monday. an on antibiotic course. all these while, her appetite still ok. on monday night i noticed something that looks like ringworm patch on her side, more visible each day. since she's still on antibiotic and cream still there, i continued on that. her appetite still good too. 

last night, eats lil bit slower than usual, moved her near to my room. 

* all in all, i noticed that callie's flu doest really goes away. it will come back after a day or two, then ok, then it returns.

Today's updates

this morning, she ate a little, but finished all up.brought her to vet, and patches on her side is actually ringworm.means that the fungal is still there, despite the treatment given. my vet suggested to do a blood test for FIV, etc coz callie took long time to recover and gain weight, so he's thinking that callie might have underlying health problems. in fact, she's not gaining any weight since 17 sep. has temp, again given antibiotic jab. noticed that she's vomitting and having watery stool when wanted to give her lunch, the vomitting happens before my eyes. i thought of letting u know and maybe go to your panel vet. but i decided to go to back to the vet she was boarded at since it's nearer. on the way, she's lying on her side and start gasping.

At the vet's

The vet confirmed that the patches are ringworm. actually today it's much more prominent, and exactly looks like..'A Ring'. i told the vet she's vomiiting and having watery stools right before sending her there. her gasping is visible and the vet said her breath is quite smelly. The vet did ask me do i want to board callie there (coz he knows dr chan are well connected with your panel vet n has cheaper rate too). i told him, treat her here first, board or whatever.if need longer treatment, can transfer her to healing rooms when she gets better. 

The vet wants to tackle the dehydration problem first. put her on IV drip..at first. looking for her vein is quite a task. the line is attached and secured. then we talked about getting her tested with whatever FIV, Felv etc test asap and hope from there we can know the exact problem (he also agrees that callie took quite sometimes to recover). After that, thevet decided to remove the IV line, and give the drip via subcutaneous method. the reason for this is to ensure that the liquid enter the body/bloodstream faster, increase the pressure and make the vein more visible >> leading to easier blood draw >> can do blood test faster. 

I told the vet that the earlier vet jabbed callie with medication this morning, so he did not give other medication other than the drip.it'll be given later in the evening

She stays on the same floor as last time. in many occasions, she'll show her sad face every time she's brought to vet. and even today when the vet try to insert the iv line. she's not looking at me when brought to her 'ward' and the saddest part is, when i kissed her before leaving, she actually stand to change position and sit facing the wall. 

Updates on other 3 (ayap, russell n meekee)

all three are fine with fierce appetite :D. meekee still on antibiotic course after his fever on 17 sep. i'm now mixing the I/D with normal wetfood, n give them nutripet once in 3 days or so.

some pics attached (img 29-34, pics taken last week)

img 1040 - she suddenly stands when the vet wants to check on
img 045 -looking at me with sad eyes
146- she's doesnt want to look at me. noticed on her right side, water bulge created by the subcue drip insertion. it feel like u filling in a balloon with water. The vet said these will later redistribute in her body to increase pressure, making the veins more prominent

please pray for callie's speedy recovery


Let's all pray for Callie's recovery.

Apart from those who did not survive, Callie was the worst of the lot in this Pet Boarding cruelty case. She deserves all the spiritual help she can get now.

I have spoken with KTAJ and offered to help, but they said they would cover the bill for Callie.  

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