
S.O.S: Fundraising For The Furry Kids At Ganesha Temple


As per our previous posting here, we have been working hard from the day onwards to remove the puppies and dogs from the temple but unfortunately, they are not as friendly as what the person who has reported the case said to be. We have a hard time trapping and catching them and most of the time, we went back empty handed.  

Our volunteers have tried contacting the person who reported the case to come help us since she has referred the dogs as friendly, perhaps she can get closed to the dogs and make the catching easier but no reply from her thus far to help.

This is Tiger. He is around 4 months of age and will be neuter before given out for adoption. Anyone interested to give him a good home may email us at mddb.mccp@gmail.com
This female puppy is named “Thum Chiak” as she is always the first to rush for food during feeding time. She is 4 months old and will be spayed before given out for adoption. If you are interested to give her a good home, please contact us at mddb.mccp@gmail.com

We have a volunteer who goes everyday to the temple to feed the dogs and tried to build trust with them, but with time running out, we just have to get them out soonest possible. The temple committees had threatened to call the council to come shoot them all should we not removed the strays away. We have so far managed to trap 2 puppies, 1 adult dog (with a wounded back) and also taken 1 adult dog belonging to someone there who roams around the temple for neutering with the help of some volunteers.

This is Tapir. He was found with a huge wound on his back filled with maggots. Currently undergoing treatment and he will be neutered at the same time as well. Anyone who is willing to give him a good home may email us at mddb.mccp@gmail.com

Karupa belongs to someone and he is often found roaming freely around the temple’s ground. He has been taken for neutering under MDDB’s sponsorship after which he will be returned back to his owner.
We shall tried to remove as many as we can and we are currently raising fund for the medical and sterilization fees for those that has been rescued. Anyone who is willing to contribute towards the Ganesha Temple’s Furry Kids may do at Donations.

Once you have make a donation, please email us at mddb.mccp@gmail.com stating funds donated is for “Ganesha Temple’s Furry Kids”.

Source: http://mddb-mccp.blogspot.com/2011/09/sos-for-furry-kids-at-..



MDDB & MCCP Penang

Animal Protection Society Penang (APSP) is a non-profit and non-governmental organization which officially registered with the Registry of Societies Malaysia on the Aug 2011. Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better (MDDB) & Malaysian Cats Care Project (MCCP) are projects under APSP.

We shall be working alongside with MDDB, Selangor with the aim of helping more animals in need and to create a cleaner society whereby the population of strays could be put under control humanely by practicing CNRM (Catch, Neuter, Rehome/Release, Manage).

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