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Meet Savastita Miu, better known as Grandma. At 91-years-old, this bedridden woman is as devoted to caring for homeless animals as ever. Decade after decade, she rescued many hundreds of dogs and cats who would have otherwise frozen to death in the bitter cold Romanian winter. Grandma suffered a stroke recently, and is immobilized, but is under the care of her niece Mariana who shares her tiny cottage. This pair have created quite a home-based shelter for some 80 dogs and 35 cats.
The animals come and go, many adopted internationally thanks to the German group Helft Handeln. Harmony Fund was recently asked us for help to sponsor a team to come in and provide spay/neuter for all the new arrivals, to repair the fence that keeps the dogs safe and to provide essential care items to keep Grandma healthy and comfortable.
“Grandma is the heart and soul of the shelter,” volunteer Jessica Rath explains. “Many of the animals sleep on her bed or stay as close as they possibly can; they keep a wary eye on visitors, ready to protect ‘Grandma’ from possible dangers.”
Though the situation is far from ideal, Grandma has no where else to go, and it would break her heart to leave her home and her animals. She is provided with medical care, including hospital visits as needed, and her niece keeps a close eye on her.
Abject poverty is still prevalent in many parts of the world. Two years ago, Grandma and her niece didn’t even have a bed. They were sleeping in the remains of an old car. By some small stroke of serendipity, they were spotted by our dear colleague Tamara who took these women and their animals under her wing.
We are honored to help so many nearly ‘invisible’ rescuers like Grandma, the ones who may not garner the most attention, but who certainly shine the brightest.
OUR MONTHLY DONORS have made it possible to give Grandma plenty of her favorite foods, to purchase a few essential healthcare items and to provide complete veterinary care for all of the animals here and in the neighborhood (including spay/neuter). We are so grateful for the many incredible wishes our monthly donors sponsor all year long!
TO BECOME A MONTHLY DONOR: Simply visit our donation page here http://harmonyfund.org/donate
Thank you.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/GreatAnimalRescueChase/photos/a.135..
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