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Alexandra Sarau has 137 dogs and 31 cats at her Romanian shelter and she is in serious financial trouble. She works very hard and tries to sponsor the animals’ care through her own salary as a translator, but it’s just not enough.

“As I was telling you, today I dodn’t have any funds except the 20 euros my brother gave me last night,” Alexandra said. “I bought the cheapest food Maxi Pet has, the Basic one, probably a sort of cardboard scraps and a small 1.5kg of food for 31 cats. I need milk or starter food for the 13 tiny pups and I have no more cat litter. Tomorrow morning will get worse. I also have to spay 30 dogs asap, to do yearly vaccines for 20 dogs and 4 tiny pups, plus we must pay the rent 1000 of Euro on April 30″

Would anyone be able to help us in granting Alexandra’s wish today. We’d love to send a big donation to pay the rent and to help provide food and veterinary care for the animals here.

DONATIONS: http://harmonyfund.org/donate

Thank you in advance everyone!!!

Source: https://www.facebook.com/GreatAnimalRescueChase/photos/a.135..



Animal Rescue Chase

The Great Animal Rescue Chase celebrates the art of animal rescue with a worldwide race to rescue one million. It’s a free event, open to all, and is perhaps the only global animal rescue event aimed at helping any animal in distress, anywhere in the world. Our ambition is to create a culture of enthusiasm and pride in animal activism. We believe in teaching, by example, that there is a hero in each of us just waiting to be unleashed. Empowered animal lovers can not only save lives, but build the momentum for powerful animal welfare reform.

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