The Scare Of My Life (Vincent Went MIA)
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Vincent went missing after lunch yesterday. He ate a very hearty lunch (asked for a second helping) and that was the last I saw him.
The grass-cutters came and usually the PatioCats will hide somewhere and re-appear after they are gone.
At dinner time, only Daffodil, Rosie, Ginger, Heidi and Zurik were present. I went out to look for Vincent and called him, but he did not turn up.
At supper time (yes, sometimes they ask for a kibble snack), my husband was back and usually whenever he calls, Vincent would come out from where he is. Even throughout the entire month that Vincent was bearing the pain of stomatitis, he would still come out (usually from the neighbour’s garden).
Vincent was nowhere to be seen.
I got really worried but worrying does not help. We’ve already gone up and down the street calling for him.
I couldn’t sleep well all night and was up at 3.30am.
It’s so strange. Vincent recovered remarkably well after his dental surgery and was already back to his confident self the very next day. He was eating extremely well and was also back to his usual habit of guarding the house. Why would he just disappear?
All kinds of scary thoughts came to mind. Last night I even texted the grass cutter to ask if by any chance a cat had sneaked into his lorry but he said no.
Then, I started worrying about cat-hating people in the neighbourhood. Sigh…I don’t even want to talk about them.
What do you do with community cats? You cannot possibly lock them up – they will not be happy. Even with our 7 Inside-Cats, I’ve been accused of “putting them in jail” even though we have prepared the whole backyard plus a room for them – they have sunshine, grass, a pantry, their own room. I think the Inside-Cats are happy, but there will always be those who will criticise you for whatever you try to do, even though it’s the best you have done. When we were staying in our old house, I was reprimanded for letting the cats roam. Now, in our new house, I’m reprimanded for “putting them in jail”. And the criticism came from the same people!
Anyway, back to Vincent.
So, as soon as it was relatively “morning enough”, we went out to the playground to look for him. Zurik was there (Zurik is always everywhere). The Bird Family and Heidi were in the house all night. Heidi came to the playground to join in the search. We scoured the entire playground and the road and called for Vincent. I checked all the drains too. He did not turn up.
By 6.30am, the cats were all hungry. Their hunger does not follow the clock, it is triggered by when I come downstairs. And I came down at 3.30am, so they had already waited long enough.
So I fed the Inside-Cats, followed by the PatioCats.
Still no Vincent.
I had already texted a cat-loving neighbour at the back (that would be Mr G’s owner) and requested her help to look out for Vincent. Animal lovers, unfortunately, are a minority in many neighbourhoods. It’s not easy to get support. It’s good enough if you don’t get criticised or worse, the animals are harmed. And you are so scared to bring up issues about community animals for fear of a backlash. What if the mere mention of community animals trigger an animal-hating person to call the authorities? How much harm that would do. So one has to be so careful in what one does when the community animals’ wellbeing is concerned.
I have no words to describe what was going through my mind. Today is exactly one week after Vincent’s surgery. He was already so well the very next day and has been eating extremely well. Surely he did not suddenly fall sick, did he? But even throughout the whole month of battling with gum pain, he still came back every single day. He would refuse to eat, but he would turn up at the porch or patio.
Vincent, if only you’d come back, I will give you anything you want. Any food you want. You don’t like fish oil and turmeric, okay, no need to take fish oil. No need to take turmeric – I know you don’t like it. Just come back, please. Just come home.
Bargaining – that’s how we humans cope.
Then I went in to wash the dishes, and my husband said, “There he is!!!!”
Oh my gosh, Vincent is back!! Vincent is back!!!!
I quickly gave him wetfood. I know he doesn’t like kibble much.
Because I had been so worried about and upset with Vincent missing, I didn’t thaw the BARF for this morning.
Vincent had a second helping of food. He left some of the kibble but ate up all the wetfood. A cat knows what food is good for him/her, so let the cat decide. Maybe Vincent needs wetfood. Just listen to the cat, right?
I’m just SO glad he came back, he can eat anything he wants!
Vincent, don’t you EVER, ever, ever do this disappearance act again. Please…
Come back for lunch later, please, Vincent?
I’ll give you BARF since you like it so much.
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