
Daffodils Visit To The Vets


On the day that Vincent went for his dental surgery, we also took Daffodil to the same vet.

We found her limping that morning, lifting up her right front leg whenever she walked. Not wanting to take any chances, we decided to take her to the vet’s for a check-up.

Daffodil has never been anywhere away from here except for the time we caught her and sent her for spaying. That was the only time.

She didn’t expect to be put in a carrier, so it wasn’t difficult catching her and putting her into a carrier.

However, in the car, Daffodil was very nervous and she stretched out her paws and tore the plastic covering of my back seat. If not for the plastic covering, I think she could have tore the fabric of the back seat! She was…quite fierce.

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At the clinic, the vet’s young daughter consoled Daffodil.

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Daffodil was nervous, but she kept her cool in the examination room. The vet let her walk and surprisingly, she wasn’t limping. Her front leg wasn’t lifted like it was while she was home. However, the vet noticed a bit of abnormal gait in her back legs and attributed that to arthritis, which is normal for a cat of 16 years.

Upon examining all her limbs, full extension was possible with no hint of pain, and vet found a small scab on her paw pads, and that must have caused her “limping”.

It was a minor thing, so no treatment or medication was necessary.

By the way, the vet said he might have believed me if I’d said Daffodil was 8 years old, instead of 16! But no, she’s 16 alright.

Back home, Daffodil lifted her front paw again that night (that was the night Vincent came back from his dental surgery).

But the problem has since resolved itself. In fact, the “limp” was gone the very next day!

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2016/04/16/daffodils-visit-to-the-v..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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