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Saturday, 24th Sep 2011, by AnimalCare

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I first spoke to Nurul Hidayah when I was looking for an adopter for the Sunnies. Nurul called saying she wanted only Honeybear. But I wanted all three to be adopted together, so the Sunnies later went to Rozita instead.

Recently, I was in touch with Nurul again when she offered to be a fosterer for KTAJ's three kittens whose mum-cat was sick and hospitalised. Nurul is a first-timer, and has no prior experience in fostering kittens, what more such young ones. 

While many would not trust a first-timer, I'd say it does not necessarily mean a first-timer cannot do a good job. In my opinion, what it takes is the commitment and willingness to learn, and most importantly, to go all the way and give it all we've got. Also, the willingness to ask and learn when in doubt. 

After all, my first-ever experience in fostering kittens was only five years ago when I picked up Cow, Bunny and Pole from the roadside. They were only two days old. Before that, I had never even touched a cat all my life. And what did I have then? Absolutely nothing except the 2-minute advice from an officer from the local shelter whom I had called. He said the most merciful thing would be to bring them to the shelter and have them put down. Kittens this young would never survive without the mum. But I said, "I want to try, please teach me what to do."  And he did. And miraculously, Cow, Bunny and Pole survived. But that's also because I kept consulting vets to ask and learn. Years later, I met this shelter officer - he turned out to be the shelter manager and is now a very helpful friend and adviser.   

So, I would never doubt a first-timer as long as that first-timer is willing to learn and to seek advice.

When Nurul called me two days ago; she was quite frantic because one of the kittens had diarrhoea and another "was not moving". I only managed to give advice over smses because I was at work. This was followed through to the next day, and I'm really happy the kittens survived and Nurul is now....an "experienced" fosterer, who, in turn, can guide others to be a fosterer just like her. Nurul also brought the kittens to the vet. That's something I believe in - we are not vets, it's dangerous to self-diagnose (and get it all wrong). Always consult a vet. Money can be earned back, but lives, once lost, are lost forever. 

Here's something from Nurul Hidayah:

hye dr..i Nurul, the girl that foster 3 kittens from KTAJ... those kitty now sleep VERY WELL... just wake up when i touch them..so cute! to dr, THANK YOU VERY MUCH for encouraging me.. no wonder u asking me for many times for my COMMITMENT and RESPONSIBILITY before adopt the sunnies, especially the honeybear.. It is not complicated such i thought IF i really understand what should and what shouldn't.. U know Dr, every moment i fell so CURIOUS, waiting them making the new actions that for me soooo cute! They totally change my life..made me become more responsible person.. for those that have chance just like me, u should be happy! Because all your efforts will be "paid" when u saw they alive and healthy. Again, THANK YOU VERY MUCH DR CHAN KAH YEIN.

And here are the photos from Nurul:

Lovely, aren't they? 

Really gebu!

So here's the thing. Alone we can do so little, but together, we can do much more. If we share all that we know, which is precisely what I do on this blog - sharing, we might be able to inspire others to do the same. Nurul tells me she learnt a lot by just reading my posts on the Sunnies and now, the Blueys. Last year, there were more kittens too. 

We need to encourage and inspire more people to care for animals, and more importantly, to tell them that it isn't such a difficult thing to do and that should they need help, they can always ask. 

Congratulations, Nurul, on a job well done. 

You are now officially, an experienced kitten fosterer!

Do you have a story to share and inspire? Leave a comment here or better still, write to me with photos, please. Let's spread the word around and encourage more people to care for animals.  

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