
Vincent Asks For Supper


You know how it is that when you’ve been ill and when you’ve recovered, the first sign would be the return of your appetite?

I hope this is what’s happening with Vincent now.

After eating dinner, he went off and then came back a few hours later to ask for supper!


Vincent is eating supper, what about me? 


No, Daffodil, you’ve already had breakfast, lunch, tea-time and dinner today, so it’s enough food for you. Eating too much isn’t necessarily good.

Vincent seems to want kibble more than wetfood. I think he’s had enough wetfood for two weeks now, especially wetfood and nutri-plus gel laced with his antibiotics, turmeric as well as Transfer Factor!

So, what did work for Vincent in his recent bout with stomatitis? Well, it’s probably a combination of the steroid injection, the Baytril (antibiotics), turmeric, fish oil, Transfer Factor as well as good nutrition (supplemented with Nutri-Plus Gel).

Stomatitis, gum inflammation, gingivitis, faucitis, periodontitis or whatever it is called by, can all be very serious, as it could lead to the inability to eat. This in turn could bring about organ failure (if very severe) and could prove to be fatal.

I’ve ordered Oxyfresh Pet Gel online and will be using this on our senior cats as well as Ginger and Indy who both have gum issues.


“Senior cats AND Indy”?? Do you mean I’m not senior enough yet?

Go to sleep, Indy ol’ boy!

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2016/03/15/vincent-asks-for-supper/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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