
Vincent Comes Back For Breakfast On His Own!!


Yesterday evening, we had to go look for Vincent. After calling for him many, many times, we finally found him in the porch of the house next door (no one was home at the time). He just looked at us and refused to come back.

Later on, after it was dark and with much coaxing, he came back to the gate and we tried to lead him back to the patio. But he had to be carried in as he appeared to be too scared to come back on his own. He would just come in as far as the porch. And this was after Mr Zurik had gone.

I think this is a Zurik-related problem. Definitely.

I gave him some wetfood and he ate it up, but quickly left after that, back to the neighbour’s garden where he walked quietly to the side and disappeared into the night.

That was rather sad…

I think there could be two possible reasons – it could be a territorial problem where he feels he has failed in his soldier-duty of warding off Mr Zurik and the latter had “won”, so to speak, OR Ginger has really intimidated him too much and he couldn’t take it anymore. I mean, enough is enough, even for a cat, especially one with so much self-respect and self-esteem at stake (Vincent IS a soldier, the type who will be the first to volunteer to the frontlines).

Just about a week ago, the teenage ginger cat from down the road tried to come into our porch, and it was Mr Vincent who warded him off by standing tall (like the Star Wars’ At-AT Walkers). Have I told you that down the road there is a teenage-Ginger and the teenage-Rosie?  They both look exactly like our Ginger and Rosie!

Sorry I digress.

So back to Vincent’s story…

So, last night was a little sad. I even thought Vincent had given up living with us so he has decided to just migrate over to next door since there are no cats living next door.  We know Vincent’s dream is to be an only cat where only he is loved. He’s a super manja-pot.

But how can we rehome Vincent…unless we have 100% assurance that his new owner will confine him and ensure he doesn’t escape and try to come back here. The thought of Vincent trying to come back here on foot is terrifying enough for us not to attempt to rehome him.

But this morning, things got better…

At about 7am, Vincent was already at the patio with the rest of the cats, waiting for breakfast!!

Oh wow! This a great achievement and improvement!!

He had come back all the way to the patio, all by himself!!


Vincent hid under the chair, but he ate with everyone else.


Initially he was hiding under the bicycle.



I gave him only wetfood, and when he had finished, I added kibbles and he ate that up too!

Good, his appetite is back!!

There is also the possibility that he could have been feeling a little unwell over those last 2-3 days. Animals tend to distance themselves and hide when they are unwell because they feel defenseless.


Vincent thrives on being cuddled and “manja”ed.

He just loves attention.





If you put him on your lap, he will never jump off.

Never. That’s how Vincent is.


Good that he is rubbing on the chair as that’s positive marking. Hopefully, he will get his confidence back.


Heidi is the only PatioCat who doesn’t discriminate. The Birds tend to favour Mr Zurik (we don’t know why).


Ginger, please be good and do not intimidate poor Vincent anymore. Please.


Vincent went back out to the porch, but did not run away immediately.

He normally goes back to the left of the gate, down the road.

I’m SO glad Vincent is going back to his old self again.

What a relief!

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2016/03/03/vincent-comes-back-for-b..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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