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Tuesday, 20th Sep 2011, by AnimalCare

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This morning started off with a kitten-fosterer texting me for help. She has no prior experience in looking after kittens but had offered herself as a fosterer for a family of kittens, which is admirable. 

However, she was really worried because one kitten was having loose stools and another "wasn't moving". I told her to quickly send the kittens to a vet for a proper diagnosis or contact the people who asked her to foster, to get help for her. She said she did not have their contact numbers. Here's the thing we must all learn from this. If we ask others to foster our rescued animals, always give them our contact numbers and tell them which vet they could send the animals to should medical help be required. As fosterers, always ask for the contact number of the one who gave you the animals. Never be caught in such a situation where you cannot even contact the person who handed the animals to you. So, to cut a long story short, in between giving her "advice" as best I could in managing the kittens, I also managed to contact the person who gave her the kittens and she was directed to their clinic. That's cutting a very long story short. 

That took up my morning. Luckily I was only invigilating an examination and not teaching.

Then in the afternoon, I made my weekly trip to the vet's to settle last week's bills. 

 Ray Ray and Don Don greeted me. 
My, my....Don Don has grown SO much now!

Look at the handsome little fella!

This is Puteri. 

Puteri is a sporo-survivor and will be discharge today. Mary, who rescued Puteri from the street in Taman Tun on 28th June, will foster her for a few days before handing her over to her adopter. Puteri's treatment, spaying, vaccination, etc. is jointly sponsored from our funds and Mary and her friends. Mary and her friends covered the cost of boarding.

 And who might this be?

Why...don't mess with him, everybody warned me. He is VERY fierce. So fierce that the vet had to use a net to handle him.

 Don't even go near him, they told me.

I can sense he must have made quite an impact at the clinic to warrant such warnings being dished out.

I went this close, but respectfully, of course.

He is one of the market cats rescued by Ah Fatt for CNRM, but was discovered to have a few spots of sporotrichosis. His neutering is sponsored from our funds and we will sponsor the sporo treatment, but Ah Fatt and his friends will pay for the boarding. 

We hope he gets well soon. The vet says he should, in about 3 weeks or so.

Next, I brought Indy to the vet's for a urine test (next story).

And after that, it was waiting at the vet's for another case to come in, but the case didn't get to come in at all because it got trapped in some massive traffic jam in KL! Our road system REALLY has to be improved.  

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