Tiger may be Gandhi-personified and he may be the only cat who has never hissed at anyone, BUT woe betide whoever attempts to take his baby basket....
And who might these brave (naive?) detractors be?
It was a peaceful Saturday night. On cold and rainy nights, cats love to cuddle up, don't they?
Watch....(caught in the act, by Ming-Yi while I was away):
Hey Bagheera...baskets? It looks real comfy, doesn't it?
But Uncle Tiger's sleeping in it...we shouldn't disturb him (says Bagheera).
No one's in this one...
Shall I or shall I not?
I think you better not. I hear both are Uncle Tiger's baskets...
Oh well..no harm trying... No risk, no gain.
Oh oh...Baloo's asking for trouble...
I'll watch him for you, Baloo...shh...he's still fast asleep.
Yay!! I got the basket! I got the basket!
Oh dear, Uncle Tiger's waking up...run, Baloo, run...get out of the basket!! (Bagheera sounds the red alert)
Okay, okay...I'm getting out...
I'm almost out!
I'm out!! Phew...
Hey wait, Uncle Tiger's not awake...what a waste, I should have just stayed inside the basket.
Soon, Bagheera falls asleep beside Tiger-in-the-basket.
Nodding off...
Hello Uncle Tiger, it's Baloo here...may we join you in your basket, please?
Don't look at me...I'm fast asleep...
Tiger ignores Baloo's request. Bagheera is asleep again....for real or pretending? Don't know!
Tiger seems to allow Bagheera to sleep beside his basket. Bagheera's too small a threat to him (and his basket).
But Baloo tries her luck....and, well, NO luck! Tiger hisses.
We just want to share your basket, Uncle Tiger...please?
Pretty please?
I said NO!
Okay, okay....the Blueys scuttle back to the room, and....
Cuddle up to Good Ol' Uncle Bobby who'd never say "no" to any feline-in-need.
Yes, I think to myself...it's a wonderful world....
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