The X-Kittens (Wolverine and siblings) are finally ready for adoption!
From Jessy Lian:
Dear Dr.Chan,
The X kittens are all doing fine and their poop is nice. After more than a month confine in the cage, they are now getting bored & wanted to explore out into the small garden. But I have no choice but to continue confine them inside the cage, cos I'm worried that they might run out to the road. Leopard is the smartest, there are a few times he manage to sneak out when I'm busy cleaning up the cage. Mama X would get nervous & worried and chase after Leopard, and I'll try to catch her even by the tail or leg, cos it would be a nightmare if she went hiding somewhere inside the small garden especially at night!
At night I have to use two camping lamp & a torch light for better visual. And it's raining season now, sometimes after a heavy downpour & follow by small drizzle, but I won't know when the drizzle will stop or later it might started to rain heavily again, so I still need to go out (with raincoat) to feed them & clean the litter box. I HATE RAINING!
I've attach some photos in this email & also a video of them playing inside the cage. Please post this up on your blog, thank you.
Those interested to give them a loving home, can email me or sms me @ 016-2988 636.
P/S: I've also created pet profile for them at The links are:-
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