Noah’s Ark CARES volunteers responded to a call in November 2015 to sterilize a large number of cats and rehome a couple of kittens at a construction site at Yio Chu Kang Road. This is the only humane way to control their population amidst the harsh conditions of the construction site.
Madeline, one of Noah’s Ark CARES volunteers was alerted on the above situation by a caregiver in the area. The team quickly arranged a date to do a site check together with the construction worker who has been feeding the cats all this while. He said there were less than ten cats in the beginning, however the population grew very quickly and he was at a loss on how to control the numbers. He shared how he was heartbroken to see the carcasses of kittens that had died in the construction compound. During the site check, the volunteers explained to the worker how a Trap, Neuter and Release (TNR) program works - that we would help trap, send cats for neutering followed by a release back to the site. The worker was very happy with TNR and readily made time to help us with the release of the cats. TNR is the most humane and effective way to control our street population for both cats and dogs, and this has been the focus of Noah's Ark CARES since the society was set up in 2005.
feeding the cats who rely on the goodwill
of the construction
workers for food
Noah’s Ark CARES volunteers and the construction worker met on three consecutive weekends to trap and send the cats for sterilization at James Tan Veterinary Clinic. With the help of a volunteer from Cat Welfare Society, we were able to find forever homes for five kittens.
Transporting the cats to the vet to be sterilized and to control the population
Oreo and Tink have been rehomed! J
The cost of sterilization, boarding and medical aid for all these cats came up to over S$3,000 thus far. A number of cats sent for sterilization needed medical assistance for wounds as well as viral infections from weaker immune systems. Over time, trapping became a challenge as the remaining unsterilized cats became even more wary of people and the trap. The worker however has agreed to help trap whenever his schedule permits as access to the construction site was limited.
The vet gave a convenia jab to clear off all infection
Cat’s eye due to herpes virus - left eye is blinded
It is never an easy task to feed such a huge number of cats
due to food costs which is one of their basic necessities
Please email to if you can help these two kittens below who are looking for a home and/or to help with the sterilization and medical bills for the cats. The streets is not their home. Thank you.
We are up for adoption! Do adopt us as my brother and I need a forever home!
Written By: Darren Chan, Sharon Tang
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