A shelter manager told me once that variety in food is the key when it comes to ensuring healthy nutrition for your pets.
So, yesterday, I thought I should buy a new brand of catfood for my cats.
Bobby had already achieved very significantly improved weight and demeanor after going on Canine Caviar for just THREE days, so I thought I should try the Feline Caviar for my cats.
I went to Amy's shop and was told there were other choices as well. A friend had just told me about Orijen, which is of better protein. A google search also revealed it's one of the best brands of animal food around. But I couldn't get this brand.
There was another similar one called Evo, but I was a bit wary of the high protein. Amy says I should give only small amounts. Small amounts for my cats??? Er...a bit hard to control, especially when we are not quite sure who has fed who as there are four humans who feed them daily. So, I didn't dare take the risk of overdosing them on protein.
So, Feline Caviar it is....
But my vet had forewarned me that it's quite tasteless. But I'll just try a small pack first.
This would be the Chicken with Pink Salmon....
Me likes...
So far it has passed the food-tasting test with Cow, Bunny, Tiger, Cleo and Indy. Only Pole turned up her nose and insisted on her Royal Canin. Not bad...that's 5 out of 6. I guess perhaps it IS tasty, after all?
It uses hormone-free chicken, and there is no corn, no wheat, no gluten and no GMO products.
This is Bobby's life-saver, so to speak, as he had rejected everything except his stir-fried chicken. This is the only kibble that he is willing to eat.
BARF is really good, I know. But Bobby wouldn't touch it. And the cats didn't like it either. Only Bunny and Cleo are willing to eat raw chicken breastmeat with the skin. They won't touch the veges. The shelter manager also advocates BARF, and he says if they don't eat it, starve them....until they do.
Gee....I don't have the heart to do that!
That is why I supplement with kibble. My vet says it isn't the best, but at least the better brands are formulated to be "balanced". An advocate of BARF (she makes it to sell) says even if my cats eat just chicken meat and the skin (but MUST include the skin), it is enough. The shelter manager says you must have some veges and bones.
He said to check out wild carnivorous animals. What and how do they eat? They eat herbivorous animals. First, they will go for the stomach (to eat up the veges/plantfood of the herbivorous animal they have killed). Then, they go for the offerals (liver, etc.), then the meat and lastly, they chew the bone....as a dessert?
Based on this, he taught me the formula for BARF: 60% meat (of this, it's 60% meat, 40% liver and bone) 40% veges
Do you have your own food story to tell on what has worked for your animals? Please do share by leaving a comment on this post.
Disclaimer: This is just a personal sharing. Please consult your vet or a qualified animal nutritionist for professional advice on the nutrition of your pets.
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