Yesterday, Ah Fatt managed to capture another three market cats and he brought them to our panel vet.
All three have been spayed-neutered (2 females and 1 male) under our sponsorship now.
Just after the operation.
Ah Fatt says recently, there has been a lot of dumping at the market.
Well, we know that's irresponsible, but the consolation is that it is the lesser of two evils. It's better than people dumping them along the highway where there is no one to look after them.
Kudos to Ah Fatt and Christopher, who takes time off from their work, to look after all these cats and their kittens.
We help by sponsoring the animals' spay-neuter and medical treatment.
That way, we work together for the animals.
Join us?
It's not so difficult....just do whatever you can in your own area for the stray animals. If you need help with the spay-neuter costs, contact me at