CP's updates on Manja (Manja was "lost" for many hours):
All through last night I was busy fussing over Manja. After spending so much time walking up and down the street plus back alley, peeping into drains, neighbours’ gardens etc despite the heavy downpour, Manja limped into my house coolly just as I was about to go one more round after my dinner to look for her. It was 8.30pm then and the rain had subsided. Haiz.. these furkids really gave us heart-racing moments.
Around 6.30pm I drove to HR to collect her pills fr the vet (I left the pills there on Monday since I thot I’ll drive her there every evening for the vet to do the honour of pill-popping Manja) and informed the vet about Manja’s disappearance. She was very concerned and told me that if the anti-biotics are not given every 24 hours, the inflammation might get worse. And th vet warned me that Manja might not come back for 3 – 4 days since she was forced to take pills on Monday unless she’s very hungry. And if her pain is still there she won’t feel hungry. Luckily her pain has subsided quite a bit, so she was hungry and came back for food. What a relief!!
Anyway, between my 2 boys (they took care of distracting her attention by scratching her head and ears), loukong force-open her mouth and me popped in the anti-biotics.. after 3 failed attempts – finally got it in and this time husband close her mouth tight to prevent it from spilling out and u know what this intelligent cat did? She bit the pill to pieces and try to throw it out together with her saliva – we could see the whitish saliva drooling out. Forget about the anti-inflammatory pill and pain-killer. Husband said don’t stress her further.
So we have to keep her locked in the living hall – not taking any chances of her escaping again. But this morning, she seems to understand the stress I went through when she was missing, so she walked to my back looking for place to pee and poo. I placed newspapers in the toilet so she did her ‘biz’ there although my front door was opened. But when I wanted to go to work, she wanted to go out with me. This time I’ve secured the lock properly, and MiMi is with her inside, hopefully they won’t force open the door again – pray.
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