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“Saving one animal wouldn’t change the world, but it will change the world for that one animal. Can you imagine if everyone did something to save an animal a day?”

1. How did you get involved with ACRES?

I first volunteered with ACRES many moons ago for their dolphin campaign. I then found an injured bird and was advised by ACRES to bring it to the bird park if I could as they were busy with calls. I suddenly felt empowered to make a difference in saving a bird’s life. I got to know some of the ACRES’ staff at an adventure race in Sabah and learnt a little bit more about what they do. Since I started living near a forested area, I also started bumping into various species of snakes whilst walking my dogs and wanted to learn more about them and how to deal with snake encounters. Joining the wildlife guardian programme and then rescue team as a volunteer was a natural next step for me.

2. What experience have you gained so far?

I have learnt so much about our local wildlife since volunteering. I always wanted to join an overseas animal rescue expedition but I’ve come to realise that Singapore is rich in biodiversity and ACRES allowed me an opportunity to help our local non-human residents and come up close and personal with a spectrum of wildlife. We don’t have to travel far – we can rescue an animal in need in our own backyard.

I’ve also learnt that working in an animal welfare organisation is as much about dealing with people as it is with animals. Given the encroachment of wildlife into our personal lives with the constant development and construction in modern Singapore, the lives of the animals largely depend on the callers; whether they are compassionate and choose to rescue, or are intolerant and choose to exterminate. It’s largely about changing mindsets and trying to use education, a tinge of emotion and lots of Jedi mind tricks to win them over to the animal’s side.

3. What message or advice would give to your peers who share the same passion as you to make a difference for animals?

Every little bit of help counts. Depending on how you wish to help, some actions have immediate consequences like rescuing a fallen bird and putting it back in its nest. Some may take years like changing the views of people who think snakes should be killed, or even trying to eat less meat. You can start with family, friends, colleagues and even a random stranger in the street. You never know when something you say or do will have a ripple effect on others.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/ACRESasia/photos/a.223077136522.136..




ACRES (Animal Concerns Research & Education Society) is a pioneering Singapore-based charity and Institution of Public Character, founded by Singaporeans in 2001 with the aim of promoting animal welfare.

ACRES has six focus areas: Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation, Wildlife Crime Investigation, Zoo Animal Welfare, Humane Education, Community Outreach and Promoting Cruelty-Free Living.

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