
Getting Past The Royal Guards


As you know, Bunny’s eyesight has deteriorated and he constantly bumps into things. Well, bumping into “things” is not as dangerous as bumping into Cow.

Maybe this explains why there have been an increase in the Cow-Bunny fights lately. Bunny must have been walking into Cow very often and Cow interprets this as a signal for fights. We’ve also observed Bunny walking these days; he walks very cautiously and slowly whenever other cats around. It’s obvious that Bunny is trying his best not to bump into the other cats, especially into Cow.

I just caught this on camera.


The two Royal Guards are having their nap after lunch.

All is well and peaceful.


Now, Bunny wants to come in. He walks slowly and cautiously, knowing the cats are around (he can probably smell them) but he doesn’t know where they are. Bunny wants to come into the room, so he walks right into Indy! Indy gets up, but Indy doesn’t attack Bunny. He’s okay about being bumped into. Bunny realises he has bumped into Indy, so he changes course…


…but walks right into Cow. Cow gets up, ready for a fight, but I’m here, so I quickly settle the matter by calling Bunny so that he walks towards me instead.


Bunny comes to me and puts both paws on me, telling me that he wants to come up.


Safe at last!


Poor Bunny Bun Buns.


Have a good nap on the table, Bunny. You’re safe here.

Early this morning, there was a huge and noisy fight at the pantry. I woke up to find tufts of black-and-white fur all over with two blood-stained pawprints. I guess it was between Cow and Indy and if my guess is right, Indy must have been scolding Cow for something and a fight broke out. From what we’ve observed, Indy only scolds by screaming into someone’s face if he has a bone to pick with that someone. He doesn’t get physical. It’s all verbal with Indy. Cow is the one who attacks. Violently, too.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2016/01/07/getting-past-the-royal-gu..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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