This article is from The Star Online ( URL: Instill care and love for animals THE move by the Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Ministry to amend the existing Animal Act 1953 to impose stiffer penalties of up to RM50,000 and a year’s jail for those convicted of ill treating animals is a step in the right direction. The proposed amendment is long overdue considering that animal abuse and cruelty towards animals have been going on for such a long time. The latest horrific incident where a pet boarding centre sparked anger among animal lovers for allegedly ill-treating more than 200 cats under their “so-called” care is a case in point, and may be the tip of the iceberg. Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister Datuk Seri Noh Omar’s statement last Thursday that the amendments would be tabled in Parliament is to be welcomed. These proposed amendments, if introduced, will certainly help to curb animal abuse, provide for animal welfare and help address some of the serious concerns that have been brought up by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Selangor and numerous other non-government organisations which are campaigning actively to make positive change for the welfare of Malaysian animals. Over the years animal lovers have stood by and watched helplessly as more and more cases of animal cruelty and abuse are committed daily by municipal council workers handling stray dogs with brute force, pet owners neglecting or abandoning their pets, zoo animals living in deplorable conditions and strays maimed or killed by cruel individuals. Judging from the numerous comments from animal lovers, the issue of cruelty to strays by local authorities must be addressed urgently. It is time the relevant authorities put an end to this kind of inhumane acts against animals and help improve Malaysia’s standing worldwide in the area of animal welfare. I hope the Attorney-General’s Chambers will expedite its study on the draft amendments so that the ministry concerned can bring it to the Cabinet and ensure that the proposed Bill can be tabled in the coming sitting of Parliament. There should be no further delay in tabling the amendment as justice delayed is justice denied to the animals. Introducing legislation alone is insufficient. What must be done is to instill care and love for animals so that ill-treatment of animals will not arise. TAN SRI LEE LAM THYE, Kuala Lumpur.
We can only hope the government will do