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What�s Ginger�s Deal With Indy?



Indy, Tiger and Tabs get their outside play time very often. But Indy picks fights with Vincent and Zurik. Nowadays, the two tabbies run for their lives when they see Indy.

Yes, the hierarchy seems to be established as so….for now.

But, Ginger seems to have struck a good deal with Indy. He touches nose with Indy and follows Indy around when the latter is outside. Indy is also at peace with Daffodil and Rosie.

One wonders if Ginger has pledged himself to be a disciple of Indy and that is why Ginger follows Indy around when he is out.  Or, perhaps, who knows…maybe Ginger has is actually the outside boss and that is why he and his family is spared from Indy’s wrath?


We will never know, would we, Mr Zurik?

Shh….Mr Zurik is keeping very, very still and Indy didn’t even notice him on the table.

Shhh….trust a KGB-trained cat to know what to do.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2015/12/19/whats-gingers-deal-with-i..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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