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Neutering Aid For 1 Cat In Kuantan (Fatimatuzzahara Bt Zulkifley�s)


We have fully sponsored RM60 for the castration of Bun.

From: Zahara Zulkifley
Date: Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 10:57 PM
Subject: Application for Spaying 1 male cat (Bun)
To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com>

Dear Dr Chan,

It’s Fatima again. I recently sent another male cat which will be the last rescued cat for this year, for a castration.  The cat’s name is Bun, who so far is my most successful rescued cat. I took him in when he was about 8-10 weeks, rescued from a nearby market. At first we didn’t think he would last very long as he was very malnourished and dehydrated, plus with a an abscess from a bite wound. After a couple of visits to vets they also thought that Bun won’t make it as he developed severe ascites with leg edema and  almost going to anasarca. I also noticed he started to pant a lot and at that point of time he might had a lung edema too.

But we didn’t want to give up just yet. I believed he still had some hope left since he had a good appetite despite his poor state. I did some research and tried giving him Lasix. And that medicine did him wonder and miraculously  he pulled through. He is such a survivor and I pray God will continue to give him many many  years to be loved by us.

Since to me, he is such a precious little hero, I will continue to adopt him after the castration. And attached are photos of Bun’s miracle journey and his operation’s collage. I’ve sent him for castration on 3rd december 2015 and  I have also sent to you the original receipt and form which will arrive at your office by Monday. I hope you will kindly consider my application again. Thank you.


Bun's Collage

Bun’s journey:

When first rescued a year ago, severely dehydrated with a swollen tummy.

Now, enjoying life with his family!

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2015/12/15/neutering-aid-for-1-cat-i..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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