Blackie and Nonsense were the terrorists on CP's street...until they were apprehended....and neutered.
Here are updates from CP on the two infamous characters:
Nonsense coolly walked into my porch just now (lunch time) to drink the water that I left there for my 3-some. And MiMi was underneath my car watching him – DiDi no where to be seen – Manja missed him coz she was in the kitchen grooming herself… and the good news is that he doesn’t create any commotion since he was neutered. According to May, he’s been hiding at her back alley together with Little Missy and her kittens. Occasionally he’ll come out to the front street to look for food – I think May was away last few days..
Blackie – ahh… it’s Blackie that I’ve been feeding after he was neutered. And he’s the ONE that has been sleeping in my porch when my 3-some migrated into my living hall for the night. That explains why he’s been chasing DiDi out of my porch – he’s claiming my porch to be his Territory!! And he’s acting like a pussy-cat when he wants his breakfast. He’ll be hiding behind the gate mewing away… his skin problem has improved – only a few patches left on his legs and body. I was away for a night during the Raya-Merdeka break and MDM have to fend for themselves at my porch – luckily no injuries on anyone so I guess there’s no major cat-fights between Blackie and MDM..Mrs Wong told me Blackie coolly slept in my porch the whole of Wednesday and frightened Manja off from where she was sleeping – in my porch too - her hubby and son have to resort to using water to get him out – coz he won’t move with just shooing… cool cats ya all these ‘terrorists’.
We thank CP for her hiliarious account of the feline activities on her street. How can life be boring when there are animals to keep you busy (and entertained), right?
So shall we take this as another set of anecdotal evidence that neutering DOES subdue a male's aggressive behaviour?
Our vets say, yes, but only in matters related to mating activities, not when it comes to fighting and defending one's territory. My Cow and Bunny are classic examples of neutered males who are still oh-so-territorial!
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