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Wednesday, 7th Sep 2011, by AnimalCare

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From Koo:

Hi Dr Chan,

 It would be very much appreciated if you could publicise this rescue case on your AnimalCare blog:
On Wednesday, 24 August 2011, a Malay female bus commuter alerted MDDB that there was a stranded dog at the Taman Wahyu KTM Komuter station at Jalan Ipoh, KL. Rescuers, including me, could not locate the dog initially as we could only search in the dark after working hours.  On Saturday, 27 August 2011, I woke up early in the morning to try my luck again in daylight and this time, I managed to spot the dog.

The dog was trapped on a small grassy strip enclosed by walls on 3 sides and a drain. I spotted her from up on the pedestrian bridge over Jalan Ipoh to the KTM station. Despite thousands or millions of motorists and commuters passing on this main road and train station, it was sad that none of them rescued her.

Look at how high the wall was and how deep and wide the drain was. How she got there is a mystery because there was no bridge over the drain nor any opening in the walls. She wasn't spotted by rescuers earlier probably because her body colour sort of blended with the wall's when she was resting.

When I approached her, she retreated to the far end in fear and there was crackers on the ground which was probably thrown by some sympathetic train commuters. As I tried to secure the barking and biting dog, the scene attracted curious onlookers as it actually caused a traffic jam but as expected, no one stopped to help.

Once she's safely home, I could see that she was emaciated as her fur was matted and her stomach curved sharply upwards which indicated she was very underweight. She could have been without food or water and exposed to the weather for more than 3 days from the first report. I took her to the Subang panel vet who diagnosed that she had an enlarged spleen which could be due to tick fever although inconclusive.
She is believed to be a Wheaten Terrier, estimated by the vet to be one year old only and she did not have any collar, tag or microchip. I hope the owner, or anyone with information about this dog, can e-mail me at ttdidog@gmail.com or she would be put up for adoption in due time.
Thank you very much and best regards,

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