
6th Animal Awareness Day At Dataran Sains, UM


Today was the 6th Animal Awareness Day organised by Dr Veeranoot and her team of dedicated members.


The following is the address delivered at the event:

6th Animal Awareness Day – Dream and Reality

Since 2013, this charitable event has been organized twice yearly. This event has received many positive feedbacks from within and outside the campus. We have had many donors, sponsors, NGOs and veterinarians supporting this event. As a campus twice-yearly activity, this is an important event bringing together various people and organizations to talk about animal welfare and protection. This is also a wonderful moment to be a part of the global movement on animal welfare where they have been campaigning for the plight of animals all over the world.

It is amazing to see how the power, commitment, perseverance and sincerity of people working in animal organizations or any individuals who collectively come together with the same purpose to work for the transformation of our thinking on animals and to stop the suffering of animals. The followings are some of the animal cruelties reported in the modern era: animal abuse, animal breeding for experimental and commercial purposes, animal circuses and other modes of entertainment, animal testing, bullfighting (in Spain), dog and cat meat trade (in Asia), fox hunting (in United Kingdom), Gadhimai festival (in Nepal), poaching and trophy hunting (in South Africa), Sea World (in USA) and Yulin dog meat festival (in China. It clearly shows that lives of animals are at the mercy of humans’ decision.

As the saying goes “Practice What We Preach”. Human is the highest form of existence with the most complexity of both mind and matter, living on this planet. With having a medical background, it is sad to witness these animal cruelties as a result of human actions in general and medical profession in particular with the act of arrogance, greed, ignorance, insanity, irresponsibility and negligence. Serving and protecting the lives of others be it human or animal are the core value of any medical practitioners. And, it is no doubt that working in the medical profession is a dilemma for both private and public interests. Recently, there are international uproars from people who consciously go against animal cruelties by a dentist as well as medical specialist using licensed Trophy hunting for wildlife animals in South Africa. Being closer to animals, a veterinarian was fired after bragging about killing cat with bow and arrow without feeling any guilt by openly posting her negligent act in the social media. Needless to say, there are many more incidences in particularly related to animal diseases that can spread to humans such as mad cow disease, influenza or even rabies. When performing one’s medical duty, one is always caught in between; either being the one who wants to serve regardless of the benefit for human or animal, as the Saint, or the one who wants to destroy regardless of having other better alternative choices, as the Satan. Where is the fine line between the two opposite labels? It all lies within one’s consciousness. We all have different views on solution, but most of the time, they are the product of one’s own creation. With good intention in practice, one can accomplish and make a difference to benefit many lives of animals. If one lacks kindness and ethical morality, then what makes one differs, better or even higher than animals. Life is short and how many people who can live up to a century old? Let us live in peace and harmony with the environment especially animals and irrespective of one’s role, ability, responsibility and diligence which will ultimately yield positive outcomes.

It is my hope that this event will continue to grow, serve and achieve the aims of spreading the awareness of kindness to animals far and wide through this campus activity, to encourage students to take part in this social engagement, to recognize animal welfare and any individual of his/her perseverance and commitment toward the betterment of street animals’ well-being and to raise funds for medical assistance to selected organizations.

~We dedicate our good thought and commitment to all sacrificed canines in the wake of this so called “Rabies outbreak?” in the three northern states of Malaysia~

Die well by Living well ~Justice will Prevail


We thanked the students very much for manning our booth.







Dr Vellayan delivering his talk on rabies.

The PDF of the talk: Dr. Vellayan-The Current Outbreak of Rabies In Northern Malaysia


We wish to thank MSPTM for their kind donation of RM500 to our Fund, as well as other donors and supporters too.

This is a youtube of the event provided by Dr Veeranoot: https://youtu.be/J2sHqfGL3F4

Funds were also raised to purchase dogfood for Mr Fan Ching Hooi’s community dogs at the factory area.

Kudos to Dr Veeranoot and her dedicated team for all the efforts and kindness in helping street animals in so many ways.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2015/10/08/6th-animal-awareness-day-..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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