I've often avoided these publicity functions unless I can contribute in some useful ways, so when Wani and KTAJ invited me to be present for the press conference this evening, I asked in what way my presence would be useful. Wani said it was to show support and solidarity of the many animal welfare NGOs.
Alright, for that purpose, I'll go.
The reporters were there.
It was a full hall.
Many of the pet-owners whose pets had been victims of this scam were present. Others were concerned animal lovers who had come to offer support.
The representatives of the invited NGOs were seated in front. (for target practice?!!)
When KTAJ's Bella narrated the whole rescue mission and how some cats and kittens were found dead, many members of the audience wept. It was really, really sad and tragic.
I had earlier on spoken to this lady in black. Her cats were boarded at this place too, but she had not sent the cats to the vet. I urged her to do it as soon as possible. Apparently, many of the owners had not sent their cats to the vet yet. Many reported that their cats were still very traumatised. Well, who wouldn't be if you were kept in a small carrier or cage for 7-9 days without food and water and you were made to sit in your pee and poo, and worse of all, you were trapped and had no way of escaping?
The pet owners were told to make a police report, not for animal cruelty, but for cheating, ie. they were cheated by this pet boarding house. Animal cruelty would be under the DVS. Cheating would make it a police case. The penalty for the latter might well be heavier. Sad if you think about it, that cheating is considered more serious than cruelty which has caused death (and why? Because it's just an animal, or in this case, 300 over animals?). The SPCA suggested that instead of the RM200 fine, why not push for a RM60,000 fine (300 X RM200). Great suggestion there, but is that possible? Is this considered as one crime or 300 crimes? This would depend on how the law works.
Many of the pet-owners and animal lovers were grateful that the cats had been rescued. However, emotions ran high after awhile and a few people went on an accusatory tone, saying that the NGOs had not done much to help.
A man, whose pet was also a victim (but is now safe), accused the NGOs of having not done enough to help in this case. He said we were just here at the press conference for the glamour. I guess he did not know some of us were working at the scene while others were working behind the scenes, but all of us were working together in our capacities to help on that fateful day.
He then said animal abuse is not new in this country and asked why the NGOs had not done anything to curb it. I guess he did not know that NGOs are not the law makers nor even the law enforcers. Only the DVS and the government bodies can make laws and enforce them. He got very emotional, so I doubt any explanation would have been able to pacify him.
NGOs can only help in their own capacities.
For example, AnimalCare is a medical fund for stray animals. In this boarding house tragedy, the first thing I did when contacted by KTAJ was to offer medical aid for all the sick cats. I told the rescuers to send the cats to the nearest possible vet or the vet in PJ and Kinrara (who were open on Sundays). The rescuers said they were short of funds and I assured them we will subsidise and take care of the bill first while they try to locate the owners. I even spoke to one of the nearby vets whom they had initially wanted to send the cats to. I also made arrangements with the vet at Kinrara to receive the cats. Finally, it was decided the rescuers would send the sick cats to the vet in PJ since it had the facilities for emergencies.
I was right there when the first 6 cats came to the vet and I was helping inside the examination room itself. Then, when KTAJ said another cat needed medical attention, I had already arranged for our panel vet to be on standby at night and I was there again at the vet's to wait for their arrival. The offer for medical aid for all the sick cats was made the moment I was alerted of the incident, because that is what we can do.
All day I was blogging the unfolding of the events, asking for help and volunteers and giving out information...until almost 2am. Fosterers started writing in to volunteer and I directed them to KTAJ.
That is our role, as a medical fund and an education channel for cultivating compassion towards animals, and we helped in that capacity.
I hope the public understands that animal welfare NGOs cannot make or enforce new laws. We have no power to do that. We can only help in whatever ways we can and each of us play a certain role. Some are rescuers, some are shelters, some are medical funds (like us). None of us can make or enforce any law - that would be the government's job.
More so, if we are a registered society bound by a constitution. There are boundaries we cannot cross because it would be against the law.
Sometimes I hear the public lambasting existing shelters for not carrying out rescue work. Shelters are shelters. They do not provide rescue aid or pick-up services for strays. But the public doesn't understand this. They think animal welfare NGOs must do everything for animal welfare.
In running AnimalCare, I receive requests every single day, and it covers everything from picking up stray animals, looking for homes, asking for medical aid, to even transporting animals to designated destinations. I have to redirect some requests which we cannot fulfil, to the proper channels. For those that have no where to be redirected to, I blog for help.
In the area of initiating change in legislation, NGOs can only write petitions and letters to the authorities, as many do. On this, we need the support of the public because there is greater strength in numbers.
So, we continue to help in every way possible.
But it is typical of humans to conveniently point fingers when things go wrong.
What's important is that we each know what we have done to help in this tragedy, in our own capacity, as best we can.
This lady was very sweet and diplomatic.
The reporters wanted our contacts.
I just hope they report the facts accurately. I've been misquoted before in the press, and I've learnt that sometimes, it might be better to keep quiet at these press conferences and say my piece in my own blog lest you be misquoted and misunderstood!
Speak, only when useful. Otherwise, it's better to DO.
I'm still looking for the owners of the 3 cats boarded at the PJ vet. I hope they turn up and claim their cats real soon. The 3 cats must miss them very much. I asked Bella and she said no one has asked for those cats yet.
Meanwhile, we shall continue helping in whatever ways we can.
Note: Many thanks to Koo, for the photos.
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