
A Nagging Technical Problem, FB To The Rescue


In the past, we’ve had occasions whereby our (this) blog could not be accessed, or is not updated with the latest posts.

For reasons which I fail to comprehend, I am able to see all the latest posts on my computer, but others are not able to. So, I am in total oblivion until concerned friends nudge me, “Hey, are you still alive and kicking? There’s been nothing from you for days, you know…”

But the funny thing is that if you go to our Facebook page, you are able to see the very latest posts and if you click on them, you can go to the blog and voila….the latest posts can be read!

Our FB page: www.facebook.com/myanimalcare.org

I don’t understand why. Apparently, it’s got something to do with the cache.

Like today, we have a found beagle in Damansara Jaya and it’s urgent. It’s posted here, but I didn’t know nobody could see it except me and the Facebookers. Sigh…

So, I would like to request your help here, please:

(1) If you are a blog reader and you notice there are no new posts for 2 days, please could you write to me (chankahyein@gmail.com) and let me know? Then, please go to Facebook and read the latest posts.

(2) If you are a Facebooker, just please follow us on Facebook.


This is our Facebook page.

(3) If you notice anything amiss in the blog, please let me know.

Thank you very much!

P.S. But…I think you still cannot see this post until the cache problem is solved. Sigh… (This is posted now, at 6.27pm, Friday, 4th September 2015. Whoever can read this, please leave a comment. Thank you.)

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2015/09/04/a-nagging-technical-probl..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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