We are happy to announce that we can now serve the residents and animals in Bandar Kinrara as we have a panel vet there - Kinrara Veterinary Centre, located on Jalan Kinrara 5A/3B.
Website: http://kinraravets.com/
So, if you stay in Kinrara and would like to do spay-neuter for strays, rescued or community animals through our sponsorship, here's the procedure:
1. Come see me and collect a stamped card from me (as per requested by the vet). 2. The vet prefers at least 3 cats/dogs per time. If female animal, one is possible. 3. Pay the vet upfront. 4. Post me the original receipt and claim the cost from me.
The procedure above is requested by the vet.
This vet uses high-end anaesthesia and suture material, so we are ensuring the best for the animals.
Let's CNRM in Bandara Kinrara!
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