
Goats Milk And Any Animals Milk Where It Comes From


The story: http://www.care2.com/causes/think-goats-milk-is-a-cruelty-free-alternative-think-again.html

It talks about Valentina and Gisele, two goats who were left abandoned and locked up to die after they could no longer product milk. Valentina and Gisele were rescued and now live happily in the Mino Valley Farm Sanctuary.

But what about the thousands of cows and goats who are bred to provide milk for humans?


Goat’s Milk Industry Myths

You might be fooled into thinking that stories like Valentina and Gisele’s are few and far between, because everyone knows that goat’s milk comes from happy, free range goats on small family farms. Right?

The goat milk industry has done an excellent job of creating a positive image of their products, with adverts and packaging showing happy animals roaming free on fresh open pastures. However, the truth is that there is no milk without cruelty.

No matter what type of farm it is, or what animals are being milked, they are all forced to get pregnant, have their babies taken away from them (many of which are killed for meat at just a few months old), and have the milk which was meant for their babies stolen on a continuous cycle, year after year until their milk production peaks, after which point they are killed.

Goats on small scale farms have to endure the same cruel and inhumane treatment as those in large intensive farms, and the goats here at the sanctuary are a testament to that, as all of them have been abused or abandoned from small scale farms.

The Real Cruelty Free Alternative

The good news for milk lovers is that there are actually many tasty and cruelty-free milk options out there – they just don’t come from animals. There are so many plant milks available in the stores now, that there’s just no excuse for buying animal milk.

The sooner we switch over to plant milks such as almond, oat, coconut, soy and rice milks, the sooner the unimaginable suffering, pain and slaughter of billions of dairy animals will come.

Read more: http://www.care2.com/causes/think-goats-milk-is-a-cruelty-free-alternative-think-again.html#ixzz3jiJ2tG6P

Lest we preach but do not practise, here’s my homemade walnut-sunflower seed milk with millet powder:

mini-nut milk

So yes, let’s not drink animal milk which comes from cruel sources.

We can make our own nut or seed milk!

Walnut for brain power!

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2015/08/24/goats-milk-and-any-anima..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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