Justice For Bamse Please Let Him Live!
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The petition: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/366/115/384/justice-for-bamse-in-norway-let-him-live/?z00m=25589354&redirectID=1777554692
On 18th August 2013, the owners went for a walk with Bamse from the farm where the family live. When crossing the highway at the end of the farmyard, they met a cabin tourist, waving his arms and shouting to keep the dog away. There was an incident which resulted in the cabin tourist getting an approximately five centimeter long rift on the underside of his arm.
There were NO bite marks on the upper side of the forearm, and in a later judgment by the District Court, it was established that this damage and scratching may NOT have occurred as a result of Bamse biting the arm of the cabin tourist. The incident happened very quickly, and there is some doubt and disagreement regarding the details of what happened. Bamse was secured in a leash during the incident.
Bamses owners still have not seen Bamse, and they still dont know where he is kept by the police. Today the 17.th, it will be helt a demonstrations for Bamse both in Oslo and in Bergen. The court case is the 20th and 21th of August in Bergen, and the petition will be closed midnight the 18th -Norwegian time.
Love, The Bamse Team
About This Petition
All collected signatures will be delivered to Prime Minister Erna Solberg, Minister of Justice Anders Anundsen, Sogn og Fjordane police department and the National Police Directorate (POD).
This is about the dog “Bamse” in Norway who is sentenced to death without having bitten anyone. We hope this petition will help direct attention at the injustice committed against Bamse and his owners – and others, on the basis of the dog-unfriendly “Law on Dog Keeping” (Law on Dogs), which in principle gives police the right to put a dog to death for dubious reasons.
We ask you to please sign, and by that tell both Prime Minister Erna Solberg, Minister of Justice Anders Anundsen, Sogn og Fjordane police department and the National Police Directorate (POD) that you demand justice for Bamse -let him live and come back home to his family!
Every dog and animal rights organisation fought to amend the Law on Dogs before it was adopted in 2003, fearing its consequences. Some of the suggested amendments were thankfully taken into account, but more than ten years later, the conclusion is that far too many dogs have been put to death in accordance with this hostile law. In practice, it has proved to be a very unpredictable law. Several people who have read the District Court’s verdict in Bamse’s case agree that it has little legal basis, but there is no guarantee that the appeal will be upheld in the Court of Appeal. However, Bamse’s case might become a legal precedent, and it is therefore i… more
Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2015/08/18/justice-for-bamse-please..
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