Updates On 16th Aug 2015
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This Sunday, we want to dedicate our volunteer post to all the unsung heroes who have been working with us tirelessly for the animals. These are the ones who have never been mentioned by name, nor their faces shown on this page. These are the ones who have soaked in sweat under the hottest sun, been drenched by the heaviest rains, taken all the mosquito bites silently, and carried out their tasks in the muddiest places. These are the wildlife sanctuary volunteers; the unsung heroes who continue to contribute silently to improve the lives of the animals at our wildlife rescue centre.
As a charity with limited funds and manpower, our work simply couldn’t be done without these volunteers. As appreciation, we would like to dedicate this quote to every single one of the animals’ unsung heroes:
“Real courage is doing the right thing when nobody’s looking. Doing the unpopular thing because it’s what you believe, and the heck with everybody.” – Justin Cronin, The Summer Guest.
If you’re interested in becoming a wildlife sanctuary volunteer, sign up now: https://goo.gl/IyaYOw
#ACRESWildlifeRescue #ACRESVolunteer #ACRESWildlifeSanctuaryVolunteer #UnsungHeroesForAnimals
Source: https://www.facebook.com/ACRESasia/photos/a.223077136522.136..
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