
Indy Goes To The Vet


Indy started losing his appetite on Thursday. But since he was still very active, I thought maybe it was a self-limiting problem and I’d give it a few days to see if it can resolve itself. Indy is also rather fussy about food, preferring kibbles to canned food. But I have always given him both.

He was turned off canned food on Thursday, but was still eating a bit of kibbles. He would ask for food, but upon sniffing the food, he’d turn away. But he is still very active (keeps asking to go out to the garden to explore and I’ve been letting him out, monitored) and is incredibly strong (the usual Indy).

There was also loose stools in the sandpit, but I was not sure whose it was until this morning when I saw Indy defecating. The stools were loose and blood tinged too. But it was fresh streaks and this means it’s probably from the colon and not higher up (according to the vet).

So it’s straight to the vet’s this morning and we have just come back now.


Don’t take my photo!mini-IMG20150816094343

I said “no photos”!! I’m going to report you if you don’t stop!

It was a very long wait and it was really crowded, but luckily we were second in line as we went very early to queue. The vet checked and Indy has no fever and is not dehydrated. His stools were checked and there was no trace of anything alarming except for some mucus. I think Indy resisted when the vet tried to stick the thermometer into his anus. There was a bit of problem getting that in. With Indy, is that surprising?

So, as expected (in the case of Indy, as always), we don’t know what it is wrong with him. Based on his last serious illness, the scan at that time showed one kidney slightly smaller than the other. But even at that time, he was put on drips, given medicines and two senior vets corroborated that the cause of his illness was inconclusive.

So this time, the vet said we’d put him on antibiotics (metronidazole half tablet) for 3 days and see if he responds. This is just in case there is any infection causing the loss of appetite and the loose stools. Indy was also dewormed. I’ve already started him on Vetri DMG.

About metronidazole: http://www.petmd.com/pet-medication/metronidazole (there’s an interesting video in it too).

But metronidazole can only be given after food, so I have to forcefeed some ID before giving it. Indy is willing to take some AD but certainly not ID…. Maybe I’ll blend the ID to make it smoother. The vet also said that steamed chicken and fish would be good, but Indy has never liked those before. The only “real food” he liked is raw liver and blood, but we are not giving him that!

The vet did say, however, that cats are very sensitive to changes in their environment (yes, particularly Indy) and sometimes even stress can cause such conditions. We ruled out other things like lizards and insects because I didn’t see any around and there was no vomiting either.


It is not easy feeding the half tablet to Indy as I think being cut in half, it’s very bitter. He salivated quite aggressively just now and he fought me off. And he is SO strong! Even at the vet’s he spat out the dewormer and it had to be given again. He does that for Vetri DMG as well, but pilling Indy is STILL easier than pilling Cow, Pole or Cleo.


Let’s hope Indy recovers in 3 days.

If not, we’ll need to do bloodwork and further follow-up.

Indy: I just want to go out and play and since you won’t let me, I’m on a hunger strike!

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2015/08/16/indy-goes-to-the-vet/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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