Please Help More Sick And Injured Cats Like Nai Yang
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Hello, its me, Nai Yang do you remember me? I am only 4 months of age but already, life on the streets has taken its toll. I was suffering from very bad skin problems and an eye infection when I was found by a volunteer from Soi Dog.
With no owner to care for me, I had clearly been struggling for some time. If I had not been taken to the Soi Dog shelter, things would have got worse very quickly. Instead, I have been given a second chance at life, thanks to people like you who have joined Soi Dogs Care for Cats Club.
Thanks to these kind supporters funding my treatment, the vets were able to start me on medication for my fungal skin problem and the conjunctivitis in my eyes. Just look at my before and after pictures to see how much I have improved already!
Sadly, as you read this, another sick cat like me desperately needs you. The Care for Cats Club needs you. If you love cats, will you please sign up to help the stray cats of Thailand today?
YOUR membership will mean more funds to treat the sick and injured and continue spaying and neutering so that no more unwanted kittens like me are born into a life of suffering.
To learn more, and watch a short video about the Care for Cats Club, please just click on my pictures below.
Join the Care for Cats Club and your donation will go towards feeding the hungry, treating the sick, spaying and neutering, and providing a safe place for those who have been mistreated.
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