
Bobby, Another Sporo-Cat Case (Theodore Lims)


Lately, there had been a few sporo cases again; caregivers writing in to ask for help, but we hadn’t received updates from them so there is no story to share.

Ever since our first case, all the information we have on sporo cases are all documented and compiled in this link:
https://myanimalcare.org/2014/04/29/tiger-day-54/ and every new case will also be placed in this same link so that it serves as a collection of cases with information that we hope will encourage new caregivers of sporo-cats not to give up and to strive on to give their cats a fighting chance.

In fact, if you have a medical tale to share, which you think would benefit other caregivers, please do send it over. With photos, please.

Bobby’s case is our latest sporo case and we thank his caregiver, Theodore, for allowing us to share Bobby’s story here.

This is Theodore’s first email to us:

From: Theodore Lim
Date: Sat, Jul 25, 2015 at 2:19 AM
Subject: Requesting help for my sporo cat
To: chankahyein@gmail.com

Dear Dr Chan,

I’m Theodore.
I have a pet cat named Bobby. He is currently 4 years old.
Recently I found out that he has this sporo infection.
He got this probably due to fighting with other stray cats in the neighbourhood.
He has this for about 2 months, and we just know about this sporo infection after sending him to vet three times as those wounds have not recover.
At first, we thought those wounds are just typical wounds, and just put iodine solution on them.
Bobby’s condition is somehow similar to that of Merdeka.
He has wounds around his eyes, nose, ears, and all four of his limbs.
He also sneezes quite often.
It worries me so much as more wounds pop out of nowhere day by day.
The vet suggested us to put him to sleep as the treatment is really costly and time-consuming.
I have read through your articles in Animal Care website regarding how Tiger and Merdeka strove through sporo.
Due to the fact that you experienced how to take care of a sporo cat, I would like to get some advice on how to manage my Bobby.
I saw that the typical treatment for sporo is Sporonox and Lamisil.
The vet had given me Unitrac (contains the same active ingredient as Sporanox), a green cream (I don’t know the ingredient), Beazyme (contains papain) and chloramine (contains chlorpheniramine). This treatment costs me RM125, with Unitrac (10 capsules) RM95.
By the way, today is his 5th day on Unitrac treatment.
In your article, you did mention about some other supplements you provided for Tiger, like Vetri-DMG, Biopure and Omega 7.
I would like to ask, are these supplements a must for sporo cat? If yes, will them cost much?
Do you have cheaper supply for sporo medications (Sporonox, Lamisil, supplements)? Because the entire treatment will be too much for me to bear.
I would also like to ask if the way I clean the wounds is right or wrong.
The vet suggests me to remove the plaques (harden blood clots) around those wounds first. – His wounds bleed everytime after I remove those plaques.
And then clean the wounds with a red solution (provided by the vet), and then clean again with Dettol.
After that, I apply the yellow iodine solution. At last I apply the green cream on the wounds.
I clean his wound once daily.
So, are the ways how I clean the wounds right?
Can I bath Bobby with antibacterial shampoo despite he has open wounds?
I have also notice so debris (tiny brown dandruff-like) on Bobby’s fur. I don’t know what those things are.
And the fur on the hair are clumping together, probably get into contact with his blood. So shall i trim the fur on the tail?
Hope to get your reply soon. Much appreciate.
Wish you have a great day ahead.
Baths are not recommended for sporo-cats.

And since that one email, we have roped in our reader who has been very helpful in giving advice and moral support for sporo caregivers as her own cat was FIV+ and had 80% of his body covered with sporotrichosis, but after 8 months of committed home treatment, the cat recovered and is the “taikor” at home now, many years later.

For now, Bobby will be finishing his Unitrac and will be starting on Sporanox, Biopure, Vetri DMG and Path-Away for topical application. Sporanox will be given with wetfood as it works better when there is oil in the diet. Bobby also has a cage now, which he likes going into (because Theodore’s old tshirt serves as his bed!), and a new litter box as well (which he has yet to learn to use!). Theodore is taking all the necessary precautions like using gloves and sanitising Bobby’s things and also himself.

We have asked Theodore if he could allow us to share Bobby’s story and progress as we know such stories will serve as encouragement for other caregivers too. And we know we do have very supportive readers here whom we are sure will send healing and positive wishes to Bobby for his quick recovery. And to Theodore and his family, thank you very much for doing your best for Bobby. Sporotrichosis treatment is usually quite long-drawn, so we are all here, cheering you on all the way.

From: Theodore Lim
Date: Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 8:55 PM
Subject: Re: Unitrac
To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com>

Hi Dr Chan,
I will agree to share Bobby’s case to other readers / caregivers.
I hope this will give them motivation that having sporo infection does not mean that is the end of a cat’s life. The infection has a cure. Do not give up on the treatment although the vet may have suggest to put him to sleep. Getting the right treatment, support and help from kind-hearted samaritan will definitely lead the right path to recovery.
Bobby is doing good now, only sneezing sometimes.
He is gaining weight really fast now. Big tummy starts to appear hahaha
Weight gain is a very good sign!

Photos sent on 25th July 2015, showing how bad it was initially:


Photos on 29th July 2015:


Photos on 30th July 2015:


Photos on 31st July 2015:


Get well soon, Bobby!

Let’s all send positive healing wishes to Bobby for his recovery.

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2015/08/01/bobby-another-sporo-cat-..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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