Updates On 1st Aug 2015
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This month, we are receiving the Primary 1 pupils of Boon Lay Garden Primary School at the ACRES Wildlife Rescue Centre (AWRC), to bring them on a Learning Journey towards caring for animals. These young boys and girls are not little at all when it comes to learning!
When we shared with the pupils about some animals being hurt in Singapore, one lovely boy kept proclaiming ‘Why?’ upon hearing so. Now, they know that ACRES rescues wild animals in Singapore every day (and night), and they can also do their part by having a caring heart for animals!
At the Outdoor Conservation Classroom, the children were busily engaged learning about Singapore’s native wild animals, with their clipboard and pencil in their hands. And aren’t we delighted when our youngster learn to show care and interest in nature!
#ACRES #HumaneEducation
Source: https://www.facebook.com/ACRESasia/photos/a.223077136522.136..
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