Initially, these 4 dogs were living around her residential area and she feeds them everyday. Until one day, she encountered a mad man who was hitting the dogs because the dogs like to chased after him. Felicia had witnessed him kicking and hitting the dogs. The mad man even threatened her that he’s going to report to MBJB (local council) to shoot them down.
On one morning, Felicia anxiously approached HOPE for help to take in these dogs into the shelter because one of the female dog had bitten on a passer-by. Due to our current financial limitation, HOPE is unable to take in any dogs anymore. We’re only able to take in the female dog and her 6 puppies. There are still 3 more dogs left at Felicia’s place. All of them are very sweet and having been abused, are extremely insecure and scared. We can’t bear to leave them there. We hope people can come forward to help foster these dogs and hopefully also help to train them to give them a better chance of being adopted.
3 lovely doggies are waiting for ADOPTION / foster homes URGENTLY.......
If you can help in any way, please drop us an email @ On behalf of Felicia, we are desperate in need of assistance as the residence had report it to MBJB and they might come anytime to catch the dogs.
When you encounter a stray dog, if you can't help them, please do not harm them. It's a tough life without an owner. As strays, they constantly go hungry without food and have to sleep on cold and open grounds. It's worse when it rains and there is no shelter to take cover. So please if you can, have a compassionate heart for all the stray animals.
Please help to spread the words around to help them!!! Thank you.