Updates On 19th Jul 2015
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Catch SPCA’s Education Officer Marie Wong to cook an egg blindfolded if we hit our $500 donation target!
There are three ways in which you can contribute to hitting the donation target:
1. Donate to http://www.giveasia.org/movement/spca_25_week_challenge_week_2
2. Donate to any of our tin bearers on the streets
3. Sign up to be a tin bearer and collect donations for us
Our tin bearers will be allocated specific dates, times and locations to carry out the collections, which will be announced every week.
Donation Target – $750
For more information, to get involved in becoming a tin bearer, please contact fundraising@spca.org.sg.
#spca25weekchallenge #spcasingapore #buyabrick #marie
#spca #savetheanimals #sungeitengah #giveasia #nopoopplease #prettyplease
Source: https://www.facebook.com/spcasingapore/photos/a.283797778154..
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