
22 Cases Today And Its The Right Time To Clarify


I was about to write about two matters which we’d like to clarify. Coincidentally, we had 22 cases to subsidise today (just done over the last 5 hours), so the timing is just about right for this clarification.

Let’s first take a look again at what is stated in our policies:

We are a non-profit and non-governmental organisation. The subsidies we offer are donated by friends and from our own hard work. So, please apply only if you really need the financial assistance.   

The policies above have been revised over time and we feel that what we now have is fair. Fair to the applicants, to our supporters/donors and to all the hard work that we ourselves have to put in to raise funds.

Despite the above statements being sent to every single applicant (in three languages) when they apply, we heard recently that some applicants actually think that we are a big organisation and that we are funded by government sources and huge sponsors.

This is untrue. But perhaps the fact that we are able to subsidise many cases per day has given people that impression.

So, let’s set the record straight here.

AnimalCare is far from being a “big organisation”. We are not funded by government sources. We do not have huge sponsors.

I founded AnimalCare. We are still working hard every single day to earn the funds so that we can continue helping the animals.

Our funds come from donations from friends and readers of this blog, the products that we sell (by donation) and the handmade items that are sewn by my mother and me, which we either auction or are made-to-order.

The only reason that we are able to subsidise many cases every day, every week and every month is that our funds have been earned through the last 6 years and every single sen is kept for the animals and we have zero operational costs.  But this does not mean that we have unlimited funds; we have enough to get by every month (and this is good enough).

We are really happy that we are able to help so many animals through the good work of their caregivers and will continue to help until our funds run dry. And this brings us to our second point, which is, this below:

Our subsidy is NOT open to:
1. animal welfare organisations, groups, shelters and their members.
2. animal caregivers who have their own funds, the means to raise/source their own funds or who are supported by other sources.

*Other sources of funds: Facebook, PetFinder, animal welfare organisations, other social media, friends, family, well-wishers, etc.

(1) is self-explanatory since animal welfare organisations have their own funds and would be able to help their own members.

But (2) is the tricky one. We had hoped that this will cover those who can afford to fund their own caregiving work, those who are able to raise their own funds through their own circle of family and friends and those who receive support from other sources. If you belong to any of these categories, we hope you will not apply for our funds so that we may channel them to caregivers who are more in need.

Lately we have been told that some of our applicants are actually very generous donors to other charities. Yet, for their own neutering work, they apply for our funds. Could this be due to the fact that these well-to-do applicants think that we are that “big organisation” that has money trees growing in our backyard OR are supported by government sources (both assumptions are absolutely untrue), or could it be that these applicants are so willing to donate to other charities but are unwilling to support their own personal neutering work (for reasons which we cannot fathom)?

Charity begins at home. It’s true that it should not stop there, but it does begin at home first.

So dear applicants, the policies are sent to you, please read them and be guided by your conscience.

Thank you.


Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2015/07/14/22-cases-today-and-its-t..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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