
Pet World 2015 Day 3


Day 3 and our morning (till 4pm) volunteers were Xiang Jun (A levels’ student, in blue) and Jelissa (she’s only 15).


Jelissa even brought a box of dog kibbles so we donated that to MDDB, who was at the next-door booth.

And today, my hope is that we will be able to sell the Hearts tshirt,
which somehow wasn’t selling in the last two days.

Many visitors did not quite understand the design – it’s got a dog, cat, hamster, hedgehog and rabbit (representing land animals who are pets), a bird and a fish (possible pets), all arranged in a heart-shape. Isn’t that meaningful?


Our long-time supporter, Yen Ling, who practically has every tshirt we’ve ever produced!


Our youngest visitor, Sophia. Sophia’s mum bought a bag from us!


Sophia’s new bag!


This is Alicia, founder of Kiko Food Bank, from Ipoh!


Two founders must take a photo, surely!


A doggy visitor.


Lots of doggies came in strollers.


Rinny Leong came by and donated some toys and apparel to us for fundraising. Thank you, Rinny.


I had brought a new stock of books for today, and all books were finished by noon!

A kind lady came by to give us many packets of BARF which her dog had won in one of the competitions. We donated all to PAWS.


This is Alice Voon, an applicant of our fund. How nice to put a face to a name!

Let’s see what are in Rinny Leong’s bag of goodies this year…


There are two bathrobes…


This is the brand and the price tag says RM179.


There are a pink and a light grey one.


A party tutu and also some party stockings.


A set of soft toys too!

That’s Maximus, the Disney horse in Tangled.


The TY beanie is called Harry.


Mushu and Little Brother, characters from Mulan.


A pair of giraffes.

We did not manage to sell any of them, though one girl wanted a giraffe but her mum wasn’t keen.

I guess we will auction them off in the blog.


Jelissa can read Korean, so she was able to read the information from our Korean products!


Xiang Jun and Jelissa had to go home at 4pm; Yuen Yoong arrived just in time.

The afternoon was a little quieter, but overall, today was much better than yesterday.

And hooray, my dream did come true – many people bought the Hearts tshirt today!

Our bestsellers for Pet World 2015 – Orifera Shampoo, soap and toothpaste and Bacoff’s Sandeo. We also sold out on the Korean seaweed, propolis toothpaste and toothbrushes!

Terry and Connie came to help me close, carry and load our things and it’s now stock-taking and doing the accounts back home before the day is done.

I would like to thank all volunteers throughout the three days: Joy, Mei, Mary, Terry, Connie, Xiang Jun, Jelissa and also, Ming-Yi and Jia-Wen who helped with taking me home.

Our heartfelt gratitude to Pet World 2015 for inviting us and giving us a free booth to promote our cause for the animals!

See you next year, Pet World 2016 (10th-12th June 2016).

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2015/06/29/pet-world-2015-day-3/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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